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  1. Digitalität und Literarität: Zur Zukunft der Literatur

    Schwanengesänge sind publikumswirksam, Ankündigungen revolutionärer Umbrüche nicht minder. Beide ›Textsorten‹ prägen seit jeher das Bild der öffentlichen Diskussion über die Zukunft der Literatur im Medien- Zeitalter. Solchen pessimistischen und euphorischen Extremen setzen diejenigen, die mit Literatur und den neuen Medien arbeiten, in der Regel eine gelassenere und pragmatischere Sicht auf die Dinge entgegen. Ihr folgend sucht das vorliegende Buch nach Antworten auf die Frage, wie die Literatur der Zukunft aussehen könnte.

    Source: Publisher's Peritext

    Patricia Tomaszek - 19.11.2013 - 16:53

  2. Gibt es 'Digitale Bibliotheken'? Wird es sie jemals geben? Zu den Grenzen einer allzu populären Metapher

    Im Verlauf der vergangenen Jahrzehnte haben sich Techniken der Bibliotheksautomation herausgebildet, die zu einer Art 'Elektrifizierung' von Bibliotheksdiensten geführt haben. Im gleichen Zeitraum sind zuerst Internet- und später dann WWW-basierte Informationsdienste entstanden, die sich sehr rasch zu einer Art informatorischem Paralleluniversum entwickelt haben. Beide Paradigmen der Informationsorganisation haben sich eine Zeit lang voneinander unabhängig entwickelt. In dem Moment, wo sie systematischer miteinander in Kontakt gerieten, wurde die Metapher 'Digitale Bibliothek' gefunden, die für eine Übergangszeit insofern nützlich war, als sie eine zumindest rhetorische Versöhnung der beiden Welten möglich zu machen schien.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 19.11.2013 - 17:02

  3. Humanidades e Informática: O Estado da Arte

    Vistas sob um certo prisma, humanidades e informática parecem dois pólos de realidades não só opostas como inconciliáveis. Porém, contrariando esse cenário de separação irremediável, defendemos aqui que algumas das oportunidades para repensar as humanidades têm sido proporcionadas precisamente pelo advento da informática. Acreditamos, por isso, que as humanidades se desenvolverão ainda mais no suporte digital e que este se tornará numa superfície de escrita e de leitura a encarar com uma normalidade que talvez ainda não seja possível esperar no actual momento histórico. Neste cenário, o computador poderá tornar-se, afinal, um “factor de união” entre “duas culturas” tradicionalmente separadas.

    (Fonte: Resumo do Autor)

    Alvaro Seica - 03.12.2013 - 15:15

  4. E-literature for Children: Enhancing Digital Literacy Learning

    As ICT continues to grow as a key resource in the classroom, this book helps students and teachers to get the best out of e-literature, with practical ideas for work schemes for children at all levels. Len Unsworth draws together functional analyses of language and images and applies them to real-life classroom learning environments, developing pupils’ understanding of ‘text’. The main themes include: What kinds of literary narratives can be accessed electronically? How can language, pictures, sound and hypertext be analysed to highlight the story? How can digital technology enhance literary experiences through web-based 'book talk' and interaction with publishers' websites? How do computer games influence the reader/ player role in relation to how we understand stories?

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 29.04.2014 - 06:37

  5. Hipermedismo, narrativa para la virtualidad

    In Hipermedismo, narrativa para la virtualidad (Hypermediadism, a Narrative for Virtuality), the contend is divided into three chapters, that cover from the historical process that permits the existence of new recourses applied to narrative to keys of this literary genre that does not enjoy, not even a universal name. The first part, La gestación de un género narrativo, (the Gestation of a Narrative Genre), summarizes how the use of technology has had an impact on the way of writing and publishing. The second part, Del papel a la pantalla. Hipermedismo literario (From Paper to Screen. Literary Hypermediadism), tries to organize the narrative keys that demands the storage medium: the conciseness that demands the space the screen offers; the communion of arts not only textual, a conviviality in which each one has a different narrative level and explores the possibilities in which literature manages without the text; the use of the hypertext, that allows folds contents; the ludic feature and the interaction of the reader, it challenges the convention of the lineal discourse imposed from the antiquity.

    Maya Zalbidea - 16.07.2014 - 12:49

  6. Netianas. N(h)acer mujer en Internet

    Netianas are heirs of cyborg, of the nomadic subject and other political feminist fictions, they are also a myth, new factitious, desirable and productive creatures, ironic cyberfeminist figures that warn of the new risks of the Internet for an emancipator production of the contemporary subject “woman”. But netianas go further than the artistic ideal of a chimera, the invention produces the same territory of the discourse that tries to change (Translated by Maya Zalbidea) (Source:

    Maya Zalbidea - 30.07.2014 - 10:33

  7. Algunos apuntes para una novela colectiva

    En este artículo Doménico Chiappe hace una lista de sugerencias a la hora de escribir literatura hipermedia:
    • -Una narración hipermedia será novela si existen más de tres tramas;
    • -La estructura será modular; no lineal;
    • -El escritor hipermedia desarrolla una destreza para golpear la mente del lector con escenas mínimas, cargadas de mensajes;
    • -Se narrará con fragmentos que el lector arma como un rompecabezas;
    • -Cada capítulo contará una historia, con principio y final;
    • -Libres de la dictadura del papel, los hipervínculos conducen a planos narrativos distintos, que narrarán sus propias historias: contenidos textuales, musicales, de animación, hemerográficos, orales, fotográficos, audiovisuales y plásticos;
    • -Las imágenes serán ricas en interpretaciones;
    • -Se permite el libre movimiento del lector, que tiene derecho de elegir sus itinerarios de navegación;
    • -La calidad de la obra recompensará al lector por su interacción.

    Maya Zalbidea - 31.07.2014 - 10:55

  8. Violencia sin cuerpos

    Antología de obras de arte de los nuevos medios hechas por mujeres acerca de la violencia de género y ensayos críticos acerca de la violencia de género y el ciberespacio.

    Maya Zalbidea - 01.08.2014 - 09:27

  9. The Intruder (artist statement)

    Artist statement and documentation of the author's project "The Intruder".

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 01.10.2015 - 11:33

  10. How Do I Cool Down the Overheated Medium? Reading Stuart Moulthrop's Hegirascope 2, "the most typical hypernovel"

    Hegirascope appears to be structurally disorderly due to its disorienting hyperlinks and discomforting temporal pull. We suggest that, to grasp Hegirascope's structure, the first step is to stop it from running automatically. Once the temporal pull comes to a halt, one is able to sort through the content space for narrative threads and non-narrative units. The paper also illustrates the distinctive use of hyperlinks and color tricks, instances that exhibit the fluidity of digital materiality. This maneuvering of links and colors reveals Stuart Moulthrop's meticulous organization, which further posits that order is buried in the disorder of the apparent "narrative confetti." Hegirascope incorporates non-verbal (visual and interactive) elements into the narrative, in ways resonating with one of the print prototype--Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy. Based on this observation, the paper contends that Hegirascope is "the most typical hypernovel in digital literature," echoing Victor Shklovsky's statement that Tristram Shandy is "the most typical novel in world literature."

    Source: Author's abstract

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.10.2015 - 16:05
