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  1. Palavrador

    Palavrador is a poetic cyberworld built in 3D (Palavrador comes from the Portuguese word palavra, which itself means "word"). Directed by Francisco Carlos de Carvalho Marinho (Chico Marinho), it was nonetheless conceived and implemented as a result of synergetic collective assemblage of ideas and activities of a wider group of authors with backgrounds in the arts, literature, and computer science. Six flocks of meandering poems autonomously wander through the three-dimensional space. The readers may choose how many flocks of poems they want to see wandering through the environment, and the poems (botpoems) are able to turn around obstacles to keep their unveiling cohesion while moving through the space. The logic of movements was implemented using artificial intelligence procedures based on swarm behavior and steering behaviors of autonomous locomotion agents. Among the virtual objects of the Palavrador there is a labyrinth whose architecture is generated by mathematical procedures (fractal). There are also video poems, the sounds from which are modulated in relation to the distance of the readers, thus creating an immersive journey with a musical dimension.

    Scott Rettberg - 15.04.2011 - 15:26

  2. Roulette

    Roulette is a work of recombinant narrative that offers a novel interactive reading experience. As lines of text shift and fade in response to user manipulation of the 3-D interface, a fractured collection of stories is revealed, shifting in mood and meaning with each reading.

    (Source: Author's abstract from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two)

    Scott Rettberg - 15.04.2011 - 15:43

  3. Screen

    Screen is an alternative literary game created in the "Cave," a room-sized virtual reality display. It begins with reading and listening. Texts, presenting moments of memory as a virtual experience, appear on the Cave's walls, surrounding the reader. Then words begin to come loose. The reader finds she can knock them back with her hand, and the experience becomes a kind of play - as well-known game mechanics are given new form through bodily interaction with text. At the same time, the language of the text, together with the uncanny experience of touching words, creates an experience that does not settle easily into the usual ways of thinking about gameplay or VR. Words peel faster and faster; struck words don't always return to where they came from; and words with nowhere to go can break apart. Eventually, when too many are off the wall, the rest peel loose, swirl around the reader, and collapse. Playing "better" and faster keeps this at bay, but longer play sessions also work the memory text into greater disorder through misplacements and neologisms. (Source: authors' description.)

    Scott Rettberg - 15.04.2011 - 15:56

  4. carrier (becoming symborg)

    carrier investigates the fluid boundaries of the body and the self via viral symbiosis in the biological and virtual domains by weaving an intimate love story between the viewer and the hepatitis C virus. The site integrates artificial and viral intelligence with immune system and computer operating system discourse within the swarming electronically networked nervous system of our planet — the world wide web, immersing the viewer in VRML worlds, Shockwave games, and Java-generated textual landscapes. We are lead through the site by sHe, an intelligent viral agent, who crosses our species boundary, penetrating our cellular core, repositioning viral infection as positive biological merging with the flesh. We become symborg as the boundaries between human / machine / species dissolve. carrier comes in several versions, allowing the viewer to navigate alone or with the virus, as well an offline gallery stand-alone version. (Source: Author's description from ELC, Vol. 1.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.04.2011 - 13:23

  5. Carving in Possibilities

    Carving in Possibilities is a short Flash piece. By moving the mouse, the user carves the face of Michelangelo's David out of speculations about David, the crowd watching David and Goliath, the sculptor, and the crowds viewing the sculpture.
    (Source: author's description in ELC 1.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.04.2011 - 13:28

  6. Chemical Landscapes Digital Tales

    Chemical Landscapes is a series of photograms by Mary Pinto. The photos suggest landscapes but are created entirely in the dark room, using only chemicals and a flashlight. For this project, I've written a series of "digital tales" suggested by the particular chemical landscape. I hope the relationship of language and narrative to the "tale" parallels the relationship of light and chemicals to the "landscape." The piece begins with a title page that serves as a navigation page. By clicking at various places on the page you're taken to one of the eight chemical landscapes. Once you arrive at a landscape, the digital tale fades in and then out, and you may click on the screen at any point to jump back to the navigation page. I have tried to time the fading in and out of the text so that it is almost impossible to read it all before it fades away. My hope is that the reader will recognize the necessity of jumping around in the text, picking up pieces of the tale to read and ignoring other pieces, thereby creating a different experience with each reading.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.04.2011 - 07:24

  7. 10:01

    10:01 is the complementary and complimentary hypermedia version of Olsen's avant-pop novel 10:01 (Chiasmus, 2005) about what goes through the minds of the audience in an AMC theater at the Mall of America ten minutes and one second before the feature film commences.(Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume One.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.04.2011 - 10:47

  8. Tao


    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.04.2011 - 12:25

  9. Cruising

    On one level, Cruising is an excited oral recitation of a teenager's favorite pastime in small town Wisconsin, racing up and down the main drag of Main Street looking to make connections, wanting love. But by merging the linear aspect of the sound recording with an interactive component that demands a degree of control, Cruising reinforces the spatial and temporal themes of the poem by requiring the user to learn how to “drive” the text. A new user must first struggle with gaining control of the speed, the direction, and the scale in order to follow the textual path of the narrative. When the text on the screen and the spoken words are made to coincide, the rush of the image sequence is reduced to a slow ongoing loop of still frames. The viewer moves between reading text and experiencing a filmic flow of images — but cannot exactly have both at the same time. In this way, the work seeks to highlight the materiality of text, film, and interface.

    (Souce: Authors' description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume One)

    Scott Rettberg - 22.04.2011 - 13:43

  10. wotclock

    wotclock is a QuickTime "speaking clock." This clock was originally developed for the TechnoPoetry Festival curated by Stephanie Strickland at the Georgia Institute of Technology in April 2002. It is based on material from What We Will, a broadband interactive drama produced by Giles Perring, Douglas Cape, myself, and others from 2001 on. The underlying concepts and algorithms are derived from a series of "speaking clocks" that I made in HyperCard from 1995 on. It should be stressed that the clock showcases Douglas Cape's superb panoramic photography for What We Will.

    (Source: Author description).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 26.04.2011 - 09:01
