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  1. Live/Archive: Occupy MLA

    More than other netprovs, Occupy MLA [OMLA] lays bare the ethical and performative capacities of the genre. Both a live performance and an enduring if volatile media artifact, OMLA leaves "data contrails": digital traces of real-time reader participation that slowly decay and become less coherent over time. This decay creates an enduring performance record that distorts the live experience of it. In this essay, the shareable, spreadable and appropriative aspects of netprov as a "born digital" live reading/writing interface are considered. The sheer volume of OMLA's tweets and its installation as time-based art create a primary text whose "primacy" is functionally impossible. Part one of the essay examines how and why OMLA's 3000-tweet archive, #OMLA hashtag, and abundant paraphrastic materials actually take readers further from the live experience rather than closer in.

    Kathi Inman Berens - 19.09.2014 - 16:45

  2. The Riderly Text: The Joy of Networked Improv Literature

    This essay aims to discuss literary pleasure, new media literacy, and networked improv literature (netprov). In particular, the author will discuss the challenges of "close-reading" the Speidishow, a netprov enacted via Twitter (and a constellation of supplementary web-based media) over a period of several weeks. In the process of trying to understand the dynamics of reading on Twitter, the author of this essay created a Twitter account, @BrutusCorbin, and consulted with the writers about plot structure. Through active engagement with the fictional world, Corbin quickly became embroiled in a sub-plot. Seeking distance from the active plots which Corbin was involved in, his author created two new characters, @FelixMPastor and @FrannyCheshire, to explore different aspects of the fictional world. Pastor and Cheshire were subsequently dragged into the story, as well.

    Scott Rettberg - 17.02.2015 - 09:25

  3. Zombification: The Living Dead in Spam

    Zombification describes computational processes of production, addressing the mutable quality of automation. Spam consists of mutating identities. It is continuously and seamlessly produced yet temporarily exists in the network through computation. This temporal existence of the living dead, as I argue, encompasses code automation – an undead and repetitive writing process where a parameters’ value is constantly mutating. However, zombification does not only examine the technical dimension of computational processes. This paper tries to articulate the mutable quality at the coding layer, examining its surrounding forces, such as the interface format of a mail server and an email address, the consumption techniques of email addresses, the parameters and values of a software program, and the repetitiveness and undeadness of writing. Thinking from such material and technical aspects of spam, particularly mutability, we gain a better understanding of spam culture that is associated with its mutating identity, including regulatory controls, loopholes, labour practices, digital consumption and datafication.

    Alvaro Seica - 25.02.2015 - 12:03

  4. Walks from City Bus Routes: A Circuitous Route

    An article on the creation and critical context of J. R. Carpenter's web-based work "Walks from City Bus Routes", which uses JavaScript to randomly and endlessly recombine illustrations and portions of text from an Edinburgh City Transport booklet published in the 1950sand bus and tram route icons from a City of Edinburgh Transport Map published in the 1940s, resulting in a new guide ‘book’ which perpetually proposes an infinite number of plausible yet practically impossible walking routes through the city of Edinburgh, and and its book shops, confusing and confounding boundaries between physical and digital, reading and writing, fact and fiction.

    J. R. Carpenter - 18.05.2015 - 12:48

  5. Once Upon a Tide: An Introductory Essay

    Not quite a short story, not quite a stage play, ‘Once upon a Tide’ is just one of those moments in literature when time … stands … still. When plot advances by simply refusing to budge. One of those waiting times, slack tides, great hollows within which heat intensifies, cold deepens, night thickens, fevers rage, or the sun continues its relentless blaze. Tension builds, and still nothing happens; neither the sight of a sail on the horizon nor the slightest breath of wind. It is within these long stillnesses that sailors’ yarns unravel. In Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899), the entirety of Marlow’s tale is recounted in one evening whilst sitting utterly still on the deck of a ship moored on the Thames. In the pitch dark and the heavy night air of the river, the narrator strains to discern meaning: ‘I listened, I listened on the watch for the sentence, for the word, that would give me the clue to the faint uneasiness inspired by this narrative that seemed to shape itself without human lips…’.

    J. R. Carpenter - 24.06.2015 - 11:36

  6. Towards Minor Literary Forms: Digital Literature and the Art of Failure

    This essay was presented as the keynote talk at the 2014 Electronic Literature Organization conference in Milwaukee, WI. In this keynote, Illya Szilak highlights the power of “minor forms” in digital literature. Through a wide-ranging survey of works, Szilak identifies the tendency for “failure” in electronic literature as its most powerful feature: its capacity to deterritorialize the parameters of discourse and expand the potential of subjectivity in the process.

    J. R. Carpenter - 15.08.2015 - 12:34

  7. Um Feixe Luminoso: Uma Leitura da Coleção de Literatura Eletrônica Portuguesa

    A Coleção de Literatura Eletrónica Portuguesa (CLEP), na base de dados ELMCIP, pretende abordar e recolher as obras criativas e teóricas mais relevantes produzidas por autores portugueses no campo da literatura eletrónica, durante os últimos quarenta e cinco anos. A coleção agrega também autores, eventos, organizações, editoras, periódicos, publicações, conferências, performances, instalações e exposições que estejam relacionadas com o contexto português.
    O presente ensaio analisa criticamente a CLEP, em torno de elementos literários, políticos, históricos, estéticos e tecnológicos, através de um fio condutor representado por um “feixe luminoso”, que pretende dar conta da transição e continuidade temática e medial, mas também da transgressão e ruptura, produzidas pela vanguarda do movimento de Poesia Experimental dos anos 1960 até aos ambientes computacionais de criação literária do século 21. Ao longo desta leitura, analisa-se igualmente várias obras de Pedro Barbosa, E. M. de Melo e Castro, Silvestre Pestana, Manuel Portela e Rui Torres.

    (Fonte: Resumo do Autor)

    Alvaro Seica - 03.09.2015 - 22:32

  8. Tech-TOC: Complex Temporalities in Living and Technical Beings

    Tech-TOC: Complex Temporalities in Living and Technical Beings

    Steve Tomasula - 10.01.2016 - 21:36

  9. Notes Towards a Semiotics of Kinetic Typography

    This paper traces the development of a new semiotic mode, kinetic typography. Kinetic typography began with the experiments of filmmakers like Len Lye and Norman McLaren. Later, film title designers like Saul Bass and Pablo Ferro drew on the shapes of letters with inventive metaphors – serifs, for instance could make letters walk, because they can stand for shoes as they are elongated horizontals on which something stands. In Saul Bass’ titles for Hitchcock's Psycho, the splitting of letters became a metaphor for the split mind of the film's main character. Such inventions eventually became part of a lexicon of clichés drawn on by designers across the world. Eventually, researchers and software designers began to formalize and systematize the language of kinetic typography, and the fruit of their work is now widely available, not only to specialists, but also to anyone who uses PowerPoint or Adobe AfterEffects, even though users may not always be aware of the lexico-grammatical rules which underlie the menus they choose from.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.09.2016 - 16:08

  10. What Is an @uthor?

    What Is an @uthor?

    Zachary Mann - 07.06.2017 - 20:38
