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  1. Mystery House Taken Over

    The Mystery House Advance Team has reverse engineered Mystery House, the first text-and-graphics adventure game. Members of the Advance Team have reimplemented it in a modern, cross-platform, free language for interactive fiction development, and have fashioned a kit to allow others to easily modify this early game.

    Modified versions of Mystery House have been created by the elite Mystery House Occupation Force, consisting of individuals from the interactive fiction, electronic literature, and net art communities:

    Scott Rettberg - 25.10.2012 - 12:16

  2. Pushkin Translation

    Megan Sapnar’s Pushkin Translation, published on Poems that Go presents a poem by Aleksandr Pushkin in Russian, translated by Dimitry Brill. As the reader moves the cursor over the poem, the text is revealed in English and read aloud in Russian. In the background, a Russian folk song recorded by the Ospipov State Russian Folk Orchestra plays. The work includes a long titles sequence that gives credit not only to the author, the translator, and the musical performers, but also FreaKaZoid, a Flash programmer from whom Sapnar got some help on the actionscript implementation. The designer Sapnar responded to Pushkin’s work by remixing his text with the work of several other authors and performers, both remediating the original poem and creating a new work in the process, that provides a new way of reading the original.Megan Sapnar’s Pushkin Translation, published on Poems that Go presents a poem by Aleksandr Pushkin in Russian, translated by Dimitry Brill. As the reader moves the cursor over the poem, the text is revealed in English and read aloud in Russian. In the background, a Russian folk song recorded by the Ospipov State Russian Folk Orchestra plays.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.10.2012 - 12:33

  3. POPstory

    POPstory, ein Netz-Literatur und Hypertextprojekt; nichts statisches, ständig in Bewegung, ständig wachsend und sich verändernd. Über ein Redaktionssystem konnte die Website um neue Texte erweitert werden. Zum Einsatz kam eines der frühesten Content-Management-Systeme (noch bevor der Begriff 'CMS' geboren war).

    POPstory lesen + POPstories schreiben. Lektüre für e-People, für eine vernetzte Leserschaft und für alle, die auch ohne Bücher lesen wollen.
    An POPstory kann sich aber auch beteiligen, wer gerne selber schreibt und Lust am erfinden abgedrehter Geschichten hat. Denn POPstory ist eine offene Textplattform für kreative Leute und Menschen mit ausgefallenen Erzähl-Ideen. Technik muß dabei kein Hinderniss sein, im Gegenteil: alle Beiträge stehen auf klick online, jede/r kann bei POPstory zum Online-Publisher werden. Einfach einloggen und schreiben.

    Spielregeln: Jede/r kann bei POPstory zum Autor/zur Autorin werden und Texte im Sinnes des Plots beitragen. Der Phantasie und Kreativität sind hier keine Grenzen gesetzt.

    Jörgen Schäfer - 07.11.2012 - 16:38

  4. (Dis)Location, (Dis)Connection, (Dis)Embodiment

    (Dis)Location, (Dis)Connection, (Dis)Embodiment" is a collective experiment in database video and random access narrative. The installation is the work of many artists, each responsible for thirty seconds of video attempting to engage with paradoxes of digital culture and 21st. This is a collaborative project with Edgar Endress and the Students of the Art and Visual Technology Department at George Mason University. 

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 23:01

  5. CHAOSity

    One challenge of General Education is that of finding ways to develop student interest in, and enthusiasm for, reading written texts or critically viewing visual texts. CHAOSity was created to address that issue. CHAOSity is a collaborative, original cultural work that involves individual readers as co-creators. CHAOSity questions the "linear, rigidly logical development of plot" and the "facile interpretation of life's complexities" that strict adherence to linearity, what author Carole Maso calls "the tyranny of narrative," can imply. The resulting multi-threaded story, told in text, animation, images and sound, permits both linear and nonlinear reading. CHAOSity includes 49 prose/poems Flash movies, 49 event sounds and legend.

    (Source: ELO 2002 State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 15.01.2013 - 18:39

  6. Hey Now

    Hey Now is a collaborative experiment in New Media Poetry. It is minimally "interactive", requiring the reader/viewer to click on the pacing man whenever he appears. The piece began as an idea: following the artist Christo's work ("wrapped" objects like Running FenceWrapped Pont Neuf, etc.) -- what would wrapped language look be like? How would it look or sound? Our initial discussions revolved around thinking through the act of wrapping, covering or hiding language; the physical and metaphorical transformation of language while it is wrapped; the final act of unveiling language that has now acquired "full" or "new" meaning because it has been partially hidden.

    Scott Rettberg - 15.01.2013 - 21:20

  7. noth'rs

    "noth'rs" is composed from transliteral morphs & based on: - Marcel Proust 'Du Coté de chez Swann' & the English translation by Montcrieff & Kilmartin - Jean Genet 'Miracle de la rose' & the English of Bernard Frechtman, - with additional texts from Virginia Woolf 'To the Lighthouse,' and Li Ruzhen 'Flowers in the Mirror' ('Jinghua Yuan' translated by Lin Tai-yi). - plus 'Sixteen Flowers' by Caroline Bergvall.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 12:47

  8. Newspoetry

    Begun by William Gillespie as a solo printed broadside, was launched in 1999, accepted contributions from myriad authors, and published a poem a day about events in the news through the end of 2002. This archive collects the ongoing newspoetry of William Gillespie.


    Note: the current archives the poems written by William Gillespie. The poems by other contributors can be found on the internet archive capture of the site from 2002

    Scott Rettberg - 27.01.2013 - 21:39

  9. parlør

    "Til hvert ord leverer bidragyderne en "ordforklaring" i en blanding af tekst, billede, lyd, video, animation og interaktivitet. (...) Sprogkurset strækker sig indholdsmæssigt fra det dybsindige til det revyagtige. (...) Det er er vores håb, at Afsnit Ps nye Parlør kan medvirke til at nuancere den efter vores opfattelse noget monotone kulturelle hjemlige debat, som virker fastlåst i en mediebestemt og merkantil diskurs, og levere et reelt og intelligent modspil til den udbredte forskrækkelse over for det poetiske, kunstneriske og intellektuelle udtryk, for ikke at sige over for alt ukendt og anderledes." -Afsnit P beskrivelse.

    Sissel Hegvik - 07.03.2013 - 16:02

  10. Księga Słów Wszystkich - The Book of All Words

    Piwkowski's work is an algorithm that generates (and prints) pages of an infinite book. The inexhaustible book is a collection of all possible combinations of 26 letters of Latin alphabet. User can only see the on-demand page that is a result of his own word query. [Taken from Electronic Literature Publishing and Distribution in Europe, 2012]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 13.03.2013 - 16:16
