Hanli Geyser

South Africa
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Short biography: 

Hanli Geyser is both a lecturer in Game Design and a PhD candidate at the Wits School of Arts. 

She is coordinating and lecturing in the new course in Game Design at Wits which kicked off in February 2012. This course provides an introduction to the technical, conceptual and critical foundations needed for students wishing to enter field of practice which merges technology and the arts.

While her PhD focuses on the aesthetic use of the hyperlink in visual and narrative arts, her research interests are diverse, spanning many areas of popular cultural production. She is primarily fascinated by the conjunction between visual arts and narrative texts found in video games, hypertext fiction, and comic books.

She graduated with an MA in History of Art from Wits in 2008 with her dissertation entitled "Surface Tension - Examining the implications of intentional disruption of the Photographic Surface".  Extending her interest in disruptions to the surface into the digital realm her PhD, provisionally titled "An Investigation of the Hyperlink as both Mark and Rupture on the Imagined Hypertextual Surface" focuses on the use of the hyperlink in visual arts.

(Source: Academia.edu profile)

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Hanli Geyser
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Eric Dean Rasmussen