In the Image of the Text

Description (in English): 

An endless textual fiction is generated, freely inspired by the writings of Alain Robbe-Grillet. Certain words in the text are sent to a search engine and images are returned and inserted into the text.

Original 2003 work appears to be offline, but there is a 2012 video installation of the same name, apparently using much of the same material.

See also entry for this work in Rhizome:

Description (in French): 

«The Image of the Text» génère indéfiniment une fiction textuelle en s'inspirant librement de l'écriture d'Alain Robbe-Grillet. Certains mots du texte sont envoyés par l'intermédiaire d'un moteur de recherche et permettent l'affichage de différentes images.

NT2 entry: 

Research Collection that references this work:

The permanent URL of this page: 
Record posted by: 
Jill Walker Rettberg