Smooth Second Bastard

Creative Work
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mooth Second Bastard is an experiment in selling digital art. We are offering the app as a Limited Edition, with only 100 editions of this full-feature version to be sold. After you download the app, you will be asked to register it. After you have registered, your app will display a unique edition number. Get yours before they are all gone!

Smooth Second Bastard is a meditation on the difference between being asked "where ya from?" and being asked "are you from around here?" Growing up where and how I did, I tend to see insider-outsider dynamics before I see prejudice. Such a viewpoint can be gracious or naïve, and I sometimes find it difficult to tell which.

You read the poem by touching the screen. Wherever you touch, a line of the text spools out either side of your finger. Each successive touch spools out the next line of the poem. When you release, one of the words of the line stays on screen while the rest fall away. After three words have built up, each new word--created by releasing a line--leaves behind one letter as the rest disappear off-screen. The lines, the words, and the letters all form their own texts, creating a three-dimensional poem.

Bastard for the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch is the fourth in a series of P.o.E.M.M.s (Poem for Excitable [Mobile] Media) created specifically for reading via touch interaction. Speak, Know and Migration were the first three.

(Source: Author's description in ITunes store)

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Scott Rettberg