Hadean Lands

Creative Work
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An interactive fiction for the iOS developed by Andrew Plotkin, funded by a Kickstarter campaign, through which Plotkin raised over $31,000 to develop the project.

Description from the Kickstarter page:

Hadean Lands: An Interactive Alchemical Interplanetary Thriller

The Unanswerable Retort is a starship, and you're the second assistant alchemist. Sound like an easy job? It was -- up until one second ago, when the Retort crashed out of hyperspace, into some God-forsaken airless landscape. Or maybe it crashed only halfway out of hyperspace. Time seems to be fractured, the crew is missing, and you've been trying to fix the ship for... well, that "one second" has been going on for weeks.


You didn't think a starship ran on coal, did you? Too bad the ritual circle is cracked, and most of the elemental supply cabinet is stuck two seconds in the future. You'll need to figure out how this disaster happened -- eventually. It's not your first problem.

You're going to have to calcine, dissolve, separate, conjugate, ferment, distill, and coagulate. You're going to have to improvise rituals based on every element of the shipboard environment. And you're going to have to hurry. Because the ship's Dragon of Pneuma is off-line, and without it, the air will only get staler....

 (Source: Kickstarter)

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Scott Rettberg