John Morgan

Aberystwyth University
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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Short biography: 

I work at Aberystwyth University as a teacher of academic writing, communication and research training and have been in Wales since the summer of 2000. Prior to that I lived and worked on and off in Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan and France and also spent time travelling in places such as Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and many other places. I started creating intermedial poetries/writing in 1998 after being captivated by the whole concept of gif animation. I also saw this as a way of creating small, but personally significant moments of expression that could capture the thoughts and feelings of lived experience along with photos adapted as moving still images. From the early 1980s I had always wanted to create some kind of visual/textual representation of personal, social and cultural events, not knowing then that the internet would come along one day to facilitate this. As I was building up to creating audio visual pieces in 2000 I moved back to the UK with my family and needed to put creative work on hold for a few years. Now, working in collaboration with students and staff at Aberystwyth University however, we have been encouraging students to create their own "Moving Texts" and will be creating a web-site to bring their work together. I will also be updating my own work on a regular basis.

Full Name: 
John Morgan
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Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen