
ELMCIP v1.33 released

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ELMCIP v1.32 released

Version 1.32 was released Friday February 3 2020. Github issues addressed and issues that still need review.

ELMCIP v1.31 released

Version 1.31 was released Friday September 6. Github issues addressed and issues that still need review.

ELMCIP v1.30 released

Version 1.30 is out. As usual have we addressed problems and introduced improvements. We also now support ORCID on persons records. Ciritcal writing and creative work now support DOI information.

Short list of changes

Here is the short list of changes. More details found on our github site and the attached changelog.

ELMCIP v1.29 and deployment on NIRD (Sigma2)


This finalizes a long ongoing work, moving ELMCIP to a new infrastructure. ELMCIP have previously been hosted on Norstore, a more "old school" virtual machine system, but is now running in Docker containers and Kubernetes fancy swarm. This changes nothing for our end users but everything for system administrators and developers. Meaning, how the system is maintained and how we stages tests instances and do local development.


Mostly security changes and adjustments to project code to better match the new infrastructure and minor bug fixes.

commit ac736543f02b746ffd38fbd8cd07c37eab3c7c20 (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.29, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Stein Magne Bjorklund
Date: Mon May 28 19:56:07 2018 +0100

Module update File Entity (file_entity) 7.x-2.20 -> 7.x-2.21

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