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Title Type Record Status Edit
The Thing of Shapes to Come Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Fiery Sparks of Light: XR Volumetric poetry Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Mother/Home/Heaven: Augmented Reality Hauntings Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Future Fiction Storytelling Machines: Histories And Next Horizons Of Electronic Literature Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
"A Snap of the Universe”: Digital Storytelling, as in Conversation with Caitlin Fisher Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
River Monsters: Forking Paths, Simultaneous Timelines and Continuity Over 25 Years of Creative Practice Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Building Augmented Reality Freedom Stories Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Andrew Christian Roth Person Not yet reviewed
Alfred Gillett Trust Databases and Archives Incomplete record (stub)
Popular Prosody: Spectacle and the Politics of Victorian Versification Critical Writing Approved record
Nineteenth Century Literature Publisher Not yet reviewed
Jason David Hall Person Incomplete record (stub)
The General History and Description of a Machine for Composing Hexameter Latin Verses Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Story machines: how computers have become creative writers Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
John Clark’s Latin Verse Machine: 19th Century Computational Creativity Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing Publisher Incomplete record (stub)
Mike Sharples Person Approved record
Latin Verse Machine (The Eureka) Creative Work Approved record
John Clark Person Approved record
Hallucinate This! an authoritized autobotography of ChatGPT Creative Work Approved record
Chat GPT Person Not yet reviewed
A Condensed History of Australian Camels Creative Work Approved record
Louis Pratt Person Not yet reviewed
Tardy Student Punishment Simulator Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Ciberfeminismos, tecnotextualidades y transgéneros Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Ciberfeminismos, tecnotextualidades y transgéneros. Literatura digital en español escrita por mujeres Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Polifonía y memoria como base de la poética de María Mencía Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Edual. Editorial Universidad de Almería Publisher Not yet reviewed
Isabel Navas Ocaña Person Not yet reviewed
Ediciones Complutense Publisher Not yet reviewed
