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Title Type Record Status Edit
Computers as Theatre Critical Writing Revisions required
Addison-Wesely Professional Publisher Incomplete record (stub)
Brenda Laurel Person Not yet reviewed
In the Event of Digital Text. Performativity and E-literature. Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
La Huella de Cosmos Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Sinferidad Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Benjamín Escalonilla Godayol Person Not yet reviewed
LEETHI: Literaturas españolas y europeas: del texto al hipertexto Organizations Incomplete record (stub)
About the Other Animals Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Ariana-Sophia Kartsonis Person Not yet reviewed
Second Call for Submissions to the ELMCIP Anthology of Electronic Literature Story
Silent Conversation Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Gregory Weir Person Not yet reviewed
Towards a Practice/Theory on Digital Reading Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Works, Works? Works! Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Amelia Sanz Person Not yet reviewed
ELiterature Formalization and Pedagogical Implications Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Gestural Manipulation and Digital Poetics Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
The Effects of Software on the Digital Creative Process Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Odile Farge Person Not yet reviewed
Mauro Césari Person Not yet reviewed
Gustavo Romano Person Not yet reviewed
Leonardo Solass Person Not yet reviewed
Fabio Doctorovitch Person Not yet reviewed
Ludion Organizations Revisions required
Technopoetry in Argentina: Routes and Detours Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
The Literary in Network-Based Writing and Reading Practices Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Duke University Press Publisher Not yet reviewed
Sans Titre Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Anonymes Person Incomplete record (stub)
