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Title Type Record Status Edit
Notes for final paper Notebook
Archives Zaroum Creative Work Approved record
Muds Creative Work Revisions required
Other interfacial actions Notebook entry
First thoughts on the assignment Notebook entry
Notes for my DIKULT203 assignment Notebook
Criticism Notebook entry
Antagonistic Interfaces Notebook
&Now 2011: Tomorrowland Forever! Event Not yet reviewed
Notes Toward Absolute Zero Creative Work Approved record
Tim McLaughlin Person Approved record
Of Two Minds: Hypertext Pedagogy and Poetics Critical Writing Revisions required
Othermindedness: the Emergence of Network Culture Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
University of Michigan Press Publisher Not yet reviewed
Nonce Upon Some Times: Rereading Hypertext Fiction Critical Writing Revisions required
Page to Screen: Taking Literacy into the Electronic Era Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
E-Literacies: Politexts, Hypertexts, and Other Cultural Formations in the Late Age of Print Critical Writing Approved record
Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine Publisher Not yet reviewed
Hypertextual Criticism: Comparative Readings of Three Web Hypertexts About Literature and Film Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
John December Person Approved record
Nancy Kaplan Person Approved record
Techniques avancées pour l'hypertexte Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
A Pragmatics of Links Critical Writing Approved record
Where To? Critical Writing Approved record
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies Publisher Incomplete record (stub)
Digital Literature: From Text to Hypertext and Beyond Critical Writing Revisions required
Tending the Garden Plot: Victory Garden and Operation Enduring.... Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
The Endless Reading of Fiction: Stuart Moulthrop's Hypertext Novel Victory Garden Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Robert L. Selig Person Approved record
Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media Critical Writing Approved record
