Record Status

Record Status

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Title Type Record Status Edit
Car Wash Creative Work Approved record
M.A. Keller Person Incomplete record (stub)
RAW (Reading and Writing) New Media Critical Writing Approved record
Hampton Press Publisher Not yet reviewed
James Kalmbach Person Not yet reviewed
Orient (Japanese) Creative Work Duplicate record (aggregate and delete one)
Orient (Korean) Creative Work Duplicate record (aggregate and delete one)
Brian Croxall Person Not yet reviewed
Kenneth Goldsmith Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
BOMB Publisher Approved record
Marcus Boon Person Approved record
Confucius Say Creative Work Approved record
Internet Art Critical Writing Revisions required
Thames & Hudson Publisher Not yet reviewed
Rachel Greene Person Not yet reviewed
Third Hand Plays: “Bodies of Water” by David Clark Critical Writing Revisions required
Nick Rudnicki Person Not yet reviewed
Bodies of Water Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Third Hand Plays: “Struts” by J. R. Carpenter Critical Writing Approved record
To Be or Not To Be Mouchette Creative Work Revisions required
Turkmenbashi, mon amour Creative Work Approved record
Martine Neddam Person Revisions required
Samsung Veut Dire Jouir Creative Work Duplicate record (aggregate and delete one)
Samsung Means to Come (Korean) Creative Work Duplicate record (aggregate and delete one)
Samsung (Tango Version) Creative Work Duplicate record (aggregate and delete one)
Samsung (Spanish) Creative Work Duplicate record (aggregate and delete one)
Samsung (German) Creative Work Duplicate record (aggregate and delete one)
Samsung (French) Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Samsung (Korean) Creative Work Approved record
Writing with Images: Toward a Semiotics of the Web Critical Writing Revisions required
