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Title Type Record Status Edit
The impossibility of an ending in the mind of a compulsive gambler Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
War Rooms: Three Poems Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Honest Slots Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
NHK MAN Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
The Jaguar Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Digital Orihon (デジタル 折り本): The (un)continuous shape of the novel Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Data as language; language as data Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Digital Literary Creative Practice and COVID-19 Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Journal of Intercultural Studies Publisher Not yet reviewed
Digital Realism Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Shastra Deo Person Not yet reviewed
flâneur treadmill Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Letter From Porto ELO Conference July, 2017 Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Janelas do Meu Quarto Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Allan Kenayt Person Not yet reviewed
giancarlomcosta's Instagram Profile Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Giancarlo M Costa Person Not yet reviewed
@ondejazzmeucoracao Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Ryane Leão Person Not yet reviewed
Impulsopoemas Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Caio Augusto Ribeiro Person Not yet reviewed
Contrapoemas Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
"Contrapoemas e anfipoemas" exhibition Event Not yet reviewed
Oi Futuro Organizations Not yet reviewed
Regina Pouchain Person Not yet reviewed
The Whalestoe Letters Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
The Familiar, Vol. 2: Into the Forest Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
The Familiar, Vol. 1: One Rainy Day in May Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Transmedial Unnatural Spatiality and Postdigital Dystopicalization in The Pickle Index Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Digital Narrative Spaces: An Interdisciplinary Examination Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
