"These Waves …:" Writing New Bodies for Applied E-literature Studies

Abstract (in English): 

N. Katherine Hayles introduced the Electronic Literature concept of second generation hypermedia, characterized by their distinctive, multimodal, en enable by newly evolving, browser-based editing and network technologies vis-a-vis stand-alone, first generation, pre-web hypertext works, which were largely monomodal-verbal and followed a somewhat booking aesthetic.
All the electronic literature generations are overlapping, the co-exist, respond to and feed off one another - similar to, and perhaps as contested as, the so-called waves of feminism.

Given the sheer explosion of technological developments,  is important that all reach beyond their own disciplinary boundaries and into non-academic communities. 

It is focused on the particular case of young woman’s body image, or, more precisely and inclusively, on body image in young, women-identified and gender non-conforming individuals, sawing how girls at six already express body dissatisfaction, provoking high risk for developing eating and body related distresses (Watson, Veale and Saewyc).  

Society enjoy many of the liberties of self-determination and quasi-equality, unattainable desires for the perfect body continue to lead to body dissatisfaction, anxiety, low self-esteem, over-excercising, and yo-yo dieting (Grogan).

Post-feminism media used to represent living a food life in terms of appropriate consumption and work on the self and body, with the body presenting a good person and a good life.

Applied e-lit is a collaborative, transdiciplinary venture that directly engages its target audiences in prices of critical reflection, self-expression, and community design. It is committed intro greater dialog than new, disenfranchised or otherwise marginalized user groups, thus centering peripheries on multiple, co-productive levels.

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María Fernández...