Mushfaking It: How a Neophyte Makes Do (and Does Well) TeachingElectronic Literature
In this presentation, I will describe how a neophyte to electronic literaturemushfakes her way through teaching a class which introduces diverse students toelectronic poetry, interactive fiction, and hypertext narrative. Further, I will argue that although I am neither an expert critic or working author of electronic literature, the mushfaking that I and my students do as we read and attempt to composeelectronic literatures (using software available to us rather than that commonly used by "real" e-lit authors), allows us to develop a deep meta-awareness of these genres and how they relate to other genres with which we are already familiar. This argument will be supported and illustrated by excerpts from students' written responses and examples of student-authored electronic literature. Additionally, I will posit that the mushfaking we do reenacts the experimentation of many e-lit authors who work(ed) to create new forms. Therefore, mushfaking is an effective model for the teaching of electronic literature; helping to develop audiences for and potential authors of these genres. (Source Author Abstract)