
Description (in English): 

Poemedia is a “digital poetry on paper” installation and live performance by Aaron Angello (sound) and Erin Costello (video). As the audience enters the space, they see 150 8.5” x 11” sheets of card stock suspended from 1-8 feet above the ground hanging from the ceiling. Four video projectors display a live (or recorded) video performance onto the cards.

This installation challenges the already uncertain definitions of digital poetry.

It calls into question the definition of the screen.

It asks: what is the role of poetry, page poetry specifically, in a digitized, information saturated world? Some video output is found images from various media sources and some video is original video from the artists. It is presented as a montage/collage/remix style performance with cinematic elements.

Taken from Drunken Boat (https://d7.drunkenboat.com/db13/4art/poe/poe1.php)



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Meri Alexandra Raita