Califia Reimagined

Creative Work
Record Status: 
Description (in English): 

Califia was published on CD-ROM by Eastgate Systems in 2000. It is a born-digital, interactive, multimedia hypertext fiction. It combines text, image, sound, animation, and structure to create a virtual world of time-space.  This novel-length piece, authored in Toolbook, was one of the most extensive e-lit fiction works of its time. Because of software and hardware advances, Califia was unplayable on any machine by 2010.  Accordingly, Califia Revisited was created to give scholars and curious readers some idea of what the original piece looked and sounded like.

Author's Statement: 

Califia Reimagined is a still-shot traversal that I created for the ELO Paris Conference (2013). It uses material from selected episodes of Califia- extracting small glimpses of the original work for contemporary reading devices. Similarly, for the video summary, I made a quick take from the Califia Reimagined website.

(Source: Electronic Literature Directory)

Screen shots: 
A colorful compass structure, centre, details different narrative choices, with explanation, right.
A pink screen with splash image made of repeating image tiles at centre. Navigation options, right.
Blue page with yellow splash made of tiled map image. Navigation options are all map related.
Multiple images are overlaid with shapes and text in a color gradient from blue to purple.
The permanent URL of this page: 
Record posted by: 
Amber Strother