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interactive narrative
Displaying 1 - 20 of 39
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"A Case Study in the Design of Interactive Narrative: The Subversion of the Interface"
Jim Bizzocchi
Robert Woodbury
"Swipe Night is Fun, but Useless” An Analysis of Tinder’s Swipe Night, an Interactive Foray in Online Dating
Lauren Rouse
Rachel Nicole Winter
(Re)Playing The Lottery
Joseph Peters
18 Cadence
Aaron A. Reed
A Duck Has an Adventure
Daniel Merlin Goodbrey
A New "Gospel of the Three Dimensions": Expanding the Boundaries of Digital Literature in Jörgen Schäfer and Peter Gendolla's Beyond the Screen
Lisa Swanstrom
A Web Odyssey
Serge Bouchardon
Avatars Sharing Agency: Metaphor in Interactive Narrative Environments
Jeff Rush
c ya laterrrr
Dan Hett
Digging For The Roots Of Interactive Storytelling
Carolyn Handler Miller
Serge Bouchardon
Do It
Serge Bouchardon
End Matter: Interactive Fiction and a New Linguistic Consciousness
Kate Tyrol
Andrew Klobucar
Kirill Azernyi
Rebecca Rouse
Stephanie Jennings
Getting Your Hands on Electronic Literature: Exploring Tactile Fictions with the Reading Glove
Karen Tanenbaum
Theresa Tanenbaum
Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace
Janet H. Murray
I am a not a singer
Megan Heyward
I Am a Singer
Megan Heyward
Interacting with Empathy: Migrant narrative in the context of mobile apps
Susie Cronin
Interactive Narrative and the Art of Steering Through Possible Worlds
Christine Wilks
Learning Through Making: Notes on Teaching Interactive Narrative
Anastasia Salter
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