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Knowledge Base
Displaying 1 - 20 of 39
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Creative Work
Critical Writing
Databases and Archives
Notebook entry
Research Collection
Teaching Resource
Coherence in text and hypertext
Angelika Storrer
Trost der Bilder
Jürgen Daiber
Jochen Metzger
Hyperfiction as a Medium for Drifting Times: A Close Reading of the German Hyperfiction Zeit für die Bombe
Alexandra Saemmer
"Do you want to hear about it?' Exploring possible worlds in Michael Joyce's hyperfiction, afternoon, a story"
Alice Bell
Legends of Michigami: Prairie Chants
Marjorie C. Luesebrink
M. D. Coverley
Legends of Michigami: Riding the Rust Belt
M. D. Coverley
Eric Luesebrink
Pacific Surfliner: San Juan Capistrano
M. D. Coverley
#ELRFEAT: Interview with Mark Bernstein (2010)
Mark Bernstein
Hyperfiction Moulthrop’s Computer Novel Weaves a Web of Alternative Endings
John Dunn
Digital Artists' Books and Augmented Fictions: A New Field in Digital Literature?
Lucile Haute
Alexandra Saemmer
Aurélie Herbet
Emeline Brulé
Nolwenn Trehondart
Remediating a Hyperfiction in ePub3: When Digital Literature Meets Publishing Models - The Case of Children’s Literature with The Tower of Jezik
Nolwenn Trehondart
Émilie Barbier
Péter Farkas
Lineages of German-language Electronic Literature: the Döhl Line
Beat Suter
Lecture by Piotr Marecki (Electronic Literature Research Group, UiB)
Polish Digital Literature. An Introduction
Piotr Marecki
Hyperizons: Hypertext Fiction
Michael Shumate
Transdução: Processos de Transferência na Literatura e Arte Digitais
Álvaro Seiça
A Literatura Factorial [l!]
Álvaro Seiça
Samantha in the Winter
Paul Stephens
Holier Than Thou: An Exploratory Hypertext Fiction
Michael Shumate
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