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  1. The Functional Point of View: New Artistic Forms for Programmed Literary Works

    This essay analyzes the functioning of a text that was designed to be read in a private context, that uses the computer as an active tool during the reading, and that can be published on a permanent medium such as CD-ROM. The work is approached in its dual functioning mode: synchronic and diachronic. A functional model is proposed, which involves an analysis of the functions that operate in the communication process between the reader and the author. In this model, the work appears as a process and no longer as an object. The reading and the materialization of the object read become interdependent. The author analyzes the relationships between readability and faithfulness in the resulting work, properties that may be incompatible in the final text.

    Source: Author's Abstract

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.10.2013 - 18:14

  2. In the Age of the Online Female: to Game or Not to Game

    In the Age of the Online Female: to Game or Not to Game

    mez breeze - 06.05.2014 - 03:57

  3. Littérature et Informatique: De la Poésie Électronique aux Romans Interactifs

    La « littérature », c'est par définition ce qu'on « lit ». Du moins était-ce ce qu'on avait l'habitude de « lire » jusqu'à présent sous une forme imprimée dans des livres. C'est également ce qui a commencé à être « affiché » depuis le début des années 1980 sur les écrans d'ordinateurs car la « littérature », c'est aussi quelque chose qui commence à être « créé » et à être « vu » désormais sur les consoles de visualisation des nouveaux équipements technologiques. Or, on l'ignore trop souvent, la création littéraire a commencé à s'intéresser très tôt à l'utilisation de l'informatique et des ordinateurs . Dès 1959, en France, Raymond Queneau et François Le Lionnais créent un éphémère « Séminaire de Littérature Expérimental » qui se transforma dès 1960 en l'« OULIPO », à savoir l'« Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle », qui voulait s'intéresser aux ressources que pouvaient receler ces nouvelles « machines à traiter l'information »3 qu'on hésitait encore à appeler des « ordinateurs ». Entre-temps, les premiers vers libres électroniques avaient été composés historiquement, en allemand, en Allemagne, à Stuttgart par Théo Lutz.

    Alvaro Seica - 10.09.2014 - 12:53

  4. Why is online writing unique?

    editorial for frAme 3 - talk given at AWP conference Albany, NY. April 1999.

    J. R. Carpenter - 11.10.2014 - 11:55

  5. Internet Nation

    Visiting Egypt in the eighties, Noam Chomsky marvelled at the intellectuals and university professors who had invited him there in the midst of political turmoil. “They haven’t got water or electricity in parts of Cairo,” he is said to have remarked, “and all they are talking about is postmodernism.”

    Trung Tran - 12.09.2017 - 14:53

  6. Great Excavations

    Ted Pelton views Robert Creeley’s image/text collaborations in Buffalo, NY.

    (Source: ebr)

    Lisa Berwanger - 17.10.2017 - 15:34

  7. Materialism at the Millennium

    Geoffrey Winthrop-Young gets inside De Landa’s total history.

    ‘The time has come,’ the Walrus said,
    ‘To talk of many things:
    Of shoes - and ships - and sealing wax -
    Of cabbages - and kings -
    And why the sea is boiling hot -
    And whether pigs have wings.’
    Lewis Carroll, Alice Through the Looking-Glass

    tye042 - 18.10.2017 - 15:03

  8. Media, Genealogy, History

    Matt Kirschenbaum reviews Remediation by Richard Grusin and Jay David Bolter.

    Remediation is an important book. Its co-authors, Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin, seem self-conscious of this from the outset. The book’s subtitle, for example, suggests their intent to contend for the mantle of Marshall McLuhan, who all but invented media studies with Understanding Media (1964), published twenty years prior to the mass-market release of the Apple Macintosh and thirty years prior to the popular advent of the World Wide Web. There has also, I think, been advance anticipation for Remediation among the still relatively small coterie of scholars engaged in serious cultural studies of computing and information technology. Bolter and Grusin both teach in Georgia Tech’s School of Language, Communication, and Culture, the academic department which perhaps more than any other has attempted a wholesale make-over of its institutional identity in order to create an interdisciplinary focal point for the critical study of new media.

    tye042 - 18.10.2017 - 15:11

  9. Halting, Sphexishness, and Analysis, Terminable and Interminable

    Halting, Sphexishness, and Analysis, Terminable and Interminable

    John McDaid - 05.10.2020 - 23:07

  10. Michael Joyce: Twilight, a Symphony

    This is a review of Twilight, a symphony by Michael Joyce

    Ragnhild Hølland - 03.10.2021 - 21:38
