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  1. A Physical Book

    A Physical Book makes a digitized book “physical” by rendering it in a simulated space where properties like gravity, friction, and velocity all apply. The program randomly perturbs the letters, then takes a snapshot at a point in time, re-assembling the images into a new, “un-digitized” book.

    Maya Zalbidea - 21.06.2022 - 16:27

  2. 8-bite

    Artist description: This is a game created by spencer and kelsey for the 8th issue of taper, a computational poetry magazine. The idea is a subversion of the classic pacman, where instead of eating food, the player eats words to make their own poem. The words come from a very limited word bank, but because they are curated to be multipurpose, the limited word set and constraints of movement on the grid provide a lot of fun playability. Play around! Your poems will save automatically (local to your browser) and you can optionally submit them to the public gallery.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.06.2022 - 18:32

  3. Mar y Virus / Virus and the Sea

    A project about Covid that includes videopoems, an alleatory poem, a CAPTCHApoem, a gallery, and videos of users explaining their Covid experience. Any user that visits teh page of the project can also record and publish his/her own video telling his/her Covid experience.

    Maya Zalbidea - 03.07.2022 - 01:04

  4. memory

    It knows the Clock runner (ASIMO in the video), he is concentrated, he does this every night – memory works on repetition. This robotic replicated action is necessary to tie up visual present with emotional past: “grass means theatre, ice-cream means april”. The process appeases himself with both - once all around is a simple time counting mechanism – and he himself, too. Time machine is on and time runs backwards (Rattapallax)

    Maya Zalbidea - 04.07.2022 - 11:35

  5. What is #Digital​Humanities? The Album

    What is #Digital​Humanities? The Album

    Shanmuga Priya - 10.07.2022 - 20:52

  6. Daisy's Journey

    Daisy's Journey

    Justina Labanauskaite - 31.08.2022 - 13:48

  7. Digital Commedia

    La Digital Commedia è una riscrittura contemporanea del poema dantesco attraverso la quale il Sommo Poeta, smarrito nella selva oscura dei nuovi media, intraprende un viaggio negli Inferi della società delle piattaforme digitali.
    Il progetto, curato dal Dipartimento di Scienze umane dell’Università LUMSA, si articola in una narrazione transmediale tra web e social network ed è online dal 25 marzo 2021, in concomitanza con la celebrazione dei 700 anni dalla morte di Dante Alighieri.

    Richard Snyder - 27.09.2022 - 19:03

  8. Generation Loss (after Alvin Lucier)

    Generation Loss (after Alvin Lucier) is a response to a work by Alvin Lucier from 1969 called I am sitting in a room. The work features a drone sound over heavily compressed images alternating between visual poetry read out loud by a bit-crushed vocal. The 4 minute video ends with a photoshopped image of a man in a field featuring guns, a mirror and the phrase "Alvin standing outside (stick to your guns)".

    The work creates a digital space where the literary dimension revolves around finding the signal within the noise. Human reception of sound interprets its meaning, how it reflects on the human condition, even in sound that follows the strict ordering of physical rules of decay.

    Marius Teigland - 28.09.2022 - 10:49

  9. Attentions


    Rene Marko Tkac - 28.09.2022 - 10:52

  10. 醉詠詩 Zui Yong Shi

    《醉詠詩 Zui Yong Shi》is a multi-media artwork that generates Chinese WuYan JueJu poetry and pentatonic melody to pair with the poetry. The poetry matches most of the strict rules of WuYan JueJu poetry and the melody follows the Chinese pentatonic scale. “醉詠詩” means the poetry of singing intoxicatingly or to intoxicatingly sing poetries. I was inspired by the article 《春夜宴桃李園序》 by famous Chinese poet 李白Li Po. In the article, 李白Li Po expresses his feelings of enjoying the present by writing down the condition of he and his friends gathering together to drink, write poetries and sing. He views this as a desirable way to enjoy life. Thus, I created this artwork as a representation of the status of Li Po and his friends’ gathering. The painting is a painting by 冷枚Leng Mei also inspired by 《春夜宴桃李園序》. It also recreates the scene of 李白Li Po and his friends’ gathering.

    [Source: Author's Statement, Electronic Literature Volume 4.]

    Vladlena Efimova - 28.09.2022 - 10:52
