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  1. Bust Down the Door Again! Gates of Hell-Victoria Version

    A remix of the original "Bust Down the Doors!" (2000) and exhibited in the Rodin Gallery at the Samsung Museum of Art in Seoul."Consisting of stacked refrigerators with monitors affixed on them, this work is a parody of Auguste Rodin’s monumental sculpture of the same title that is permanently installed in the space." (Description from the website of Artist Pension Trust)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 05.09.2011 - 15:17

  2. Out of Touch

    In our world of perpetual connectivity, touching interfaces that keep us out of reach, we form attachments whilst remaining detached, by turns kindling and dampening emotions. Conceived as the first in a series of musings on the paradoxical and sometimes poignant nature of human relationships amid networked life, Out of Touch was created in Flash and incorporates text sequences, randomness, intensively filtered video, sound and cut-up voices.

    This Out of Touch episode was commissioned by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art for the Third Hand Plays series curated by Brian Stefans, who wrote:

    Christine Wilks - 07.10.2011 - 15:29

  3. Galactic Tides by Night

    Scheduled work made in Flash, presented to match the beat of the jazz music playing.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 11.10.2011 - 13:18

  4. Mar de Sophia

    Mar de Sophia é um conjunto de poemas virtuais apresentados em formato hipermédia, nos quais o texto animado na tela é gerado automaticamente a partir do léxico da poeta Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen, previamente estudado em termos de frequência. Esse léxico-base, que (re)constitui a obra de Sophia, e a classifica e mapeia na rede, está indexado em listas codificadas em linguagem XML, acessíveis ao leitor de vários modos, o qual as pode alterar ou adicionar novos vocábulos ou unidades de sentido. A animação do texto está ainda inscrita na componente sonora das variações combinatórias que deste processo resultam. Sempre que uma palavra se altera, o poema activa uma busca em bases de dados de som, com leituras do texto-base de que se aproveitou a sintaxe e a estrutura formal. Desse modo, o leitor pode recriar, no eixo combinatório da linguagem, um poema de Sophia, adaptando-o ao seu gosto, bem como enviar algumas das suas realizações, tanto sonoras quanto verbais, para um servidor PHP instalado num servidor da Internet. Aí, ficam arquivadas as várias versões de todos os leitores que participam na (re)leitura do poema.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:03

  5. Red Lily

    Red Lily is a Flash poem divided into three musical movements that address the pain of lost love. Visual symbols, like a child playing with ducklings and a calla lily, juxtapose innocence and death, while the sound of the tolling bell coupled with textual clues of blood and needles emphasize love's end.

    (Source: description from the Electronic Literature Exhibition, MLA 2012)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 28.01.2012 - 14:51

  6. Shy Boy

    Shy Boy is a Flash poem that uses movement, visual images, and sound to deep into the soul and life of one very shy boy. The monochromatic use of black, gray, and white suggest a child who calls no attention to himself and the vanishing text, his own lack of presence among his schoolyard peers.

    (Source: catalog for Electronic Literature Exhibition)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 28.01.2012 - 14:59

  7. Vive la Bagatelle

    Vive la Bagatelle is a short, kinetic digital poem in the Italian Futurist style, featuring the song "The Airplane" by Futurist composer George Anthiel. Through deft manipulation of Flash CS4 and Actionscript much of the prose seen is randomly selected and displayed on screen. The end result is a new poem with each viewing, every bit as mesmerizing as it is curious.

    (Source: description from the Electronic Literature Exhibition catalogue)

    Note: This work was featured in the 2012 Electronic Literature Exhibition on the computer station featuring Future Writers--Electronic Literature by Undergraduates from U.S. Universities--Works on Desktop

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 30.01.2012 - 21:50

  8. Thoughts Go

    This is poem is Knoebel's most powerful use of simultaneity because he layers two stanzas of poetry in a perfectly synchronized fashion. One stanza is an abstract meditation on the presence, absence, and storage of thoughts while the other is pure imagery and embodied experience. The two are connected by being displayed and spoken through time, initially scrambling your thought process as it tries to follow two threads of text.

    After your first reading of this short poem, I suggest you turn off the sound and read the visual text and then turn the sound back on and simply listen to the other stanza. Then experience them simultaneously again to see how meaningful the layering is, how the scheduling of the text leads you to re-imagine some of the sounds, and how the central metaphor brings the whole poem together.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores,  I ♥ E-Poetry.)

    Leonardo Flores - 13.03.2012 - 12:04

  9. The Poetry Cube

    This is a gateway for print poets into the e-poetry world, helping them translate their poetic text into a 3-dimensional, multi-linear an recombining format.

    The cube consists of four sides top, bottom, front, and back. Between each of this esides are four stanzas, or four sets of four lines. The poet writes a 16 line poem and enters it into the form. Thoe lines are then automatically entered into the cube and can be saved into the database. 

    When writing a poem for this cube, the poet must think of how the poem will fit and the recombine in the cube. As you turn the cube, the lines move as well.  For example the 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th lines form the top of the cube, with the shallow meiddle, deep middle and the back lines changing as well.


    Scott Rettberg - 16.10.2012 - 14:00

  10. A crissxross trail < R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX: one remix player's scenic route through remixworx

    A crissxross trail < R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX is a meta-remix of the artist's personal creative journey through remixworx, a collaborative online remixing project. Conceived as a poetic interactive infographic with lots of multimedia animated content, this 'scenic route' presents a sample trail of 33 out of the 100 remixes that Christine Wilks (aka crissxross) has created since joining remixworx in January 2007. The trail includes a text commentary about her experience of remixing and co-creating over the past six years. A crissxross trail < R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX: one remix player's scenic route through remixworx formed the core of Christine Wilks's presentation for the ELMCIP Conference on Remediating the Social in November 2012.

    Christine Wilks - 09.11.2012 - 16:55
