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  1. Conjecturas da Água

    Combinatory poem written and programmed by Antero de Alda and Jorge Santos in BASIC for a Spectrum ZX in Sever do Vouga, Portugal, on Jan. 1, 1986. The piece was later renamed as A Memória da Água.

    Alvaro Seica - 17.11.2016 - 14:03

  2. Oceanografias (A Memória da Água)

    «oceanografias» or «a memória da água» is a poetic operation made in a computador from a linear numerical relation of correspondence with some signifiers, which are semantically and phonetically close to each other. [...] The project was developed in an 8-bit microprocessor Sinclair ZX Spectrum in January 1986.

    Alvaro Seica - 17.11.2016 - 16:04

  3. Father - A Tribute

    Father - A Tribute is een interactief verhaalspel rondom het thema van de vader. In Father - A Tribute gaan citaten en eigen teksten over de vader met elkaar de confrontatie aan om de herinnering van de speler-lezer. Zoek de twee teksten die bij elkaar horen. Gestuurd door jouw geheugen, ontstaat er elke keer dat het spel gespeeld wordt, een nieuw verhaal over 'de vader'.

    (Source: Description, Literatuur Op Het Scherm)

    Hannah Ackermans - 07.12.2016 - 15:38

  4. 200 Castles

    Created in Unity using the Vuforia plug-in, 200 Castles is an augmented reality piece for iPad about time, longing, and magical spaces set in both the domestic spaces of a castle across multiple decades and in the spaces of memory. The viewer unlocks the story by using the iPad as a magic looking glass to look at a series of images in a photo album (‘trackables’ – the images contain features that the camera on the iPad is seeking). When the iPad’s camera ‘sees’ the images, the augmented reality technology overlays a small digital scene with accompanying audio.

    Diogo Marques - 27.07.2017 - 13:13

  5. Crónica de Viaje

    Crónica de viaje de Jorge Carrión es un texto literario en la forma impresa de un ordenador que usa el buscador de Google. Carrión esta en una misión para encontrar y aprender más sobre la historia de su familia andaluza que fue perdida durante la guerra civil española. Usa los recursos de Google como las imágenes, los videos y los mapas para descubrir esta parte de su identidad.

    Xiu LiYu - 28.11.2018 - 01:12

  6. El Hacedor (de Borges), Remake

    This multimedia work is a remake of the 1960s collection "El hacedor" by Jorge Luis Borges. Agustín Fernández Mallo maintains the structure and chapter titles, but changes the content to demonstrate how the material gains symbolic significance over time. One paradigmatic example includes the remake of Borges's story "Mutations". Agustín Fernández Mallo's take on it presents a narrator who recreates Robert Smithson's 1967 famous journey through the use of google maps as well as images that compare the journeys. In this regard, the text conveys a comparison between the in-person and the virtual journeys, thereby exploring the temporal difference and the impacts of technology and societal context. 


    Madison Erdall - 29.11.2018 - 20:36

  7. I am a not a singer

    Megan Heyward's interactive narrative, I Am a Singer, was created in 1997 with Macromedia Director for the artist's MFA thesis and was exhibited widely after its release. Concerned with memory and identity, I Am a Singer tells the fictional story of Isobel Jones, a famous rock singer who has been in an accident and is suffering amnesia. Although she is still able to access the media traces of her life- songs, articles, newspaper clippings, and various items of personal memorabilia, she cannot draw together these disparate threads into a meaningful sense of self.  Structurally, I Am A Singer is a narrative built of fragments, of small, discrete but intersecting sequences, mirroring the fragmented consciousness of the singer. It operates on a number of levels – as a pure tale about an amnesiac singer trying to regain her memory, and as a broader exploration of identity and memory.

    Dene Grigar - 01.11.2019 - 23:46

  8. Rats and Cats :: Katter Og Rotter

    A blind date between an American epidemiologist and a Norwegian woman takes place on a transatlantic Skype call. In trying to impress his potential paramour, the American steers the conversation terribly wrong, toward a discussion of the Plague and all the devastating historical memories it entails.  
    Rats and Cats :: Katter Og Rotter is a film by Roderick Coover and Scott Rettberg. The film is designed both installation (loop) and single channel screening. It is the second in a series of works about memory, desire, catastrophe, and translation. Rats and Cats :: Katter Og Rotter features the voices of Jill Walker and Rob Wittig. The sound technician was Joseph Kramer. The work was made possible in part with funding from the Philadelphia Independent Film and Video Association.

    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 02.10.2020 - 13:10

  9. Port Bou

    De grens tussen Cerbère en Port Bou bestaat uit een klif, een weg die omhoog
    slingert en aan de andere kant langs haarspeldbochten neerdaalt, langs het huis van een verlaten douanepost, boven een rots die haast wegglijdt in de zee.

    Wat betekent het om de grens te weten, die te kennen, te weten wat je vergeet?

    David Peeters - 21.05.2021 - 13:34

  10. Das Kollektive Gedächtnis

    Bored? E-mail and chat with AOL and the internet. 

    Can "the interactive" be the fun factor of online art?

    I'm thinking it's not "the interactive", but rather the "interacting", namely with other real people. Hence the success of chats and forums and mailing lists. But hence also the failure of interactive artworks, where I as a user should be playing with a machine as well as myself.... !

    If one simply looks at the works, one will probably find no "internet literature" in what circulates here: the differens collaborative projects, the texts to be forwarded, the collective stories and collections. The objection is always right: one could have done this on paper....

    And yet: one CANNOT do it on paper. Not with THESE people that we have met on the internet - and with other people in the print world or locally in creative writing-workshops it would have been very different! 

    Translated by Kine-Lise Madsen Skjeldal

    Kine-Lise Madsen Skjeldal - 30.09.2021 - 19:16
