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  1. Poëzie loont (Poetry pays off)

    Onder dat credo ontwikkelden dichter Arnoud van Adrichem en grafisch ontwerpers Cox & Grusenmeyer de mobiele browser 'Geld', waarmee hardwerkende belastingbetalers hun belastingcenten kunnen terugverdienen door gedichten te lezen. Hoe werkt het? Alle banken in Amsterdam zijn voorzien van duidelijk herkenbare stickers die kunnen worden gescand met een smartphone of tablet. De gedichten die dan zichtbaar worden leveren elk 0,11 euro op; een bedrag dat ongeveer overeenkomt met het belastinggeld dat iemand met een gemiddeld jaarkomen dagelijks kwijt is aan cultuur. 'Money is a kind of poetry', stelde Wallace Stevens ooit. Deze applicatie bewijst eens te meer zijn gelijk.


    Marije Koens - 25.07.2012 - 10:49

  2. Pentametron

    Description in I ♥ E-Poetry:

    This bot generates poetry by sifting through 10% of all Tweets, parsing them with a dictionary for the pronunciation data, and identifying the ones that happen to scan as iambic pentameter. It then organizes the tweets into rhyming couplets and publishes them in Twitter by retweeting the original postings. Finally, it aggregates them into the shape of a Shakespearean sonnet in a website ( that offers a sequence of 14 sonnets. Every hour, a new couplet is posted, changing all 14 sonnets as one couplet enters the sequence of 98 couplets and the oldest couplet, the final volta, exits the collection.

    Leonardo Flores - 07.03.2013 - 10:27

  3. Star Wars Tweets

    This poetic Twitter bot requires little explanation as to its concept, except for a minor clarification: by “the script of Star Wars,” it refers to the whole original trilogy. Perhaps this was not always the case, but it is currently tweeting the complete script to “The Empire Strikes Back” one line every 40 minutes.

    Quoted from <a href="">I ♥ E-Poetry</a>.

    Leonardo Flores - 11.03.2013 - 20:18

  4. Rapbot

    This poetry generator uses the Wordnik library’s recent rhyming functionality as dataset suitable for creating rhyming couplets in the ’80s freestyle rap tradition.

    Leonardo Flores - 13.03.2013 - 12:09

  5. Kantye West

    This anonymous Twitter account find poetry in remixing philosophy with the celebrity tweet.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 08.04.2013 - 14:36


    Speculation is an alternate reality game that explores the culture of Wall Street investment banks in the context of the 2008 global economic crisis. From cryptographic puzzles and online simulations to live performances and geocaching, Speculation incorporates a wide range of media to build a transmedia world in which the logic of capital has accelerated beyond control. In the process of discovering, decoding, reconfiguring, and remixing Speculation, thousands of players transformed the game into a collaborative platform for speculating on the future of finance capital. (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

    Scott Rettberg - 27.04.2013 - 22:55

  7. @crashtxt / exq=.s.te =n.c&de/s

    This work consists of a web page with a selected unicode keyboard that allows people to enter symbols into a text submission box which can then be posted to Twitter under the @crashtxt account. Jim Punk is an alias for an anonymous net artist whose work embodies glitch aesthetics and pictorial uses of language and characters, as seen in ascii art. To be precise, this work is a tool for unicode art, strapped on to a social network as a mode for publication, but also as a constraint. It is also an invitation for errors, since compatibility and support for certain Unicode characters vary on different operating systems and browsers. To use this work to write texts for publication in Twitter is to engage a basic component for digital communication: the encoding of writing and its associated symbols in computational environments, which aligns it with some of the goals of Lettrisme. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 07.05.2013 - 18:43

  8. #gifandcircumstance

    This bot mines the Twitter stream for phrases starting with “when,” extracts the clauses, and joins each phrase with a randomly selected animated GIF in a Tumblr. Here’s a more detailed description from Parrish’s blog: A “#whatshouldwecallme-style tumblr” is one in which animated GIFs are paired with a title expressing a circumstance or mood—usually a clause beginning with “when.” I wrote a Python script to make these kinds of posts automatically. Here’s what it does: (1) Search Twitter for tweets containing the word “when.” (2) Extract the “when” clause from such tweets. (3) Use Pattern to identify “when” clauses with suitable syntax (i.e., clauses in which a subject directly follows “when”; plus some other heuristic fudging) (4) Post the “when” clause as the title of a tumblr post, along with an animated GIF randomly chosen from the imgur gallery. This is both a critique and homage of the #whatshouldwecallme tumblr and the meme it inspired.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 07.05.2013 - 18:48

  9. @HaikuD2

    This cleverly named bot finds haiku in the twitterverse and republishes them in a recognizable format. The program “runs on @johndburger’s laptop” and even though the code isn’t available, the basic procedure can be inferred from the results as a set of steps: 1: The program uses Twitter API to pull tweets to analyze, filtering out anything that isn’t in English. 2: It uses some sort of library, like the Wordnik API to identify and count the number of syllables in all the words obtaining a total for the tweet. With this procedure, it can identify tweets with exactly 17 syllables. 3: It then determines which of those tweets can be divided into three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables without cutting into any words. 4: It formats the results to add: line breaks, a ” •” symbol at the end of the first two lines (to signal line breaks for Twitter clients that don’t support them), attribution to the writer of the original tweet, and the #haiku hashtag. 5: Burger then selects the best haiku or simply posts the raw results (I’m not sure), and manually post or schedules about 6 tweets per day with a 4-5 hour interval between them.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 07.05.2013 - 19:07

  10. @KarlMarxovChain

    The Karl Marxov Chain responds to a word that users (or Pereira) seed it to guide its search through Karl Marx’s publications, as described. When it gets the seed word, it finds it in the text and takes not the next word, but the next two words. The first two words of this 3-gram are first two words of the tweet. It then takes not the last of these words, but the last two and searches the text for that pair of words. Then, of all of the times that those words appear together, it picks one at random, adds the last word to the chain, and then moves up a word. The result is that the probabilities are a bit more constricted, meaning that the tweet conforms a bit more closely to the original text, meaning it ends up sounding a bit more like normal English. The bot also cheats a bit and tries to make “complete” sentences (start with a word that has an initial capital in the source text and end with a period), but it’s not always successful. The source texts are also not the cleanest in the world, so it sometimes hiccups and tosses out typographical gibberish. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 09.05.2013 - 21:23
