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  1. Sabotage Retroexistencial

    Sabotage Retroexistencial is a digital poem generator produced by an algorithmic sequence that pertains to the blog novel series of "Kublai Moon", specifically the blog novel "La tierra nunca comprenderá". This algorithmic poetry generator gives the reader access to an unlimited combination of poems and to an infinite text. In the fictional world of Kublai Moon where the story is set, the generator is the creation of the robot Al-Halim, an artificial intelligence engine who searches for the meaning and limits of poetry. 

    Carolina Cedillo - 01.12.2018 - 02:25

  2. Random By: A Text for Rocking and Reading

    This very simple generator randomly presents phrases from a well-known play, ones that were originally structured in a highly regular way. The output can be read silently, but the reader should at least rock back and forth.

    Morten Skutle - 02.09.2019 - 15:02

  3. The Strange Half-Absence of Wandering at Night

    Bei diesem Audio-Walk begleiten die Teilnehmenden eine weibliche Protagonistin durch ein Parkgelände in der Abenddämmerung. Sie verkörpert den Geist von fiktiven und realen Frauen, die ihre Freiheit einforderten, allein in der Stadt und bei Nacht zu gehen und damit die Einschränkungen und Konventionen ihrer Kultur und Zeit herausforderten. Das Hörstück mischt Erzählung, Textauszüge, Musik, Found Footage und Field Recordings. Die Sonne geht unter, während die teilnehmende Person spazieren geht, und bringt andere Qualitäten dieser Umgebung zum Vorschein.

    „Da sie sich weigert, das Objekt der Blicke anderer zu sein, beschließt sie, bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit in den Park zu gehen. Direkt in der Stadt und doch isoliert von ihren belebten Straßen. Sie betritt diesen Raum mit der Absicht, völlig unsichtbar zu werden und mit der Umgebung in einer seltsamen Halbabwesenheit des Körpers zu verschmelzen."

    Maud Ceuterick - 09.07.2020 - 14:57

  4. Sea of Men

    Jennifer Chan’s exhibition at Galleri CC in Malmö juxtaposes videos and web chats with objects made from perishable materials. The theme is affinity, on- and off-line.

    (Source: Christine Antaya's review of the work)

    Maud Ceuterick - 09.07.2020 - 16:58

  5. Bitterveld

    In de Book App Bitterveld reist de hoofdpersoon met de Berlijnse S-Bahn en U-Bahn naar de verschillende herdenkingsmonumenten van de stad en observeert de medereizigers. Welk verband is er tussen die observaties en de Tweede Wereldoorlog? De gebeurtenissen van toen lijken lang geleden, maar hebben wel degelijk met onze tijd te maken.

    David Peeters - 14.05.2021 - 16:00

  6. Laatste Woord

    Last word is a literary audio walk through the forest in Amsterdam. During the walk you listen to four voices that lead you to a place where the story - a bitter sweet family history about parting, punishment, insanity, and acknowledgement - comes to a surprising end. The walker chooses his or her own direction at a crossing-point which also determines the perspective of the story: Jason, little Kees, Helga or Carlotta. What connects these four people? Do they meet each other at the end of the story at the agreed place. 

    David Peeters - 31.05.2021 - 16:38

  7. Karen

    Karen's your new personal adviser, and she's more than happy to help you work through a few things in your life. Communicate with her through the app and she can call you any time, day or night. Over the course of a week or so, she asks you some questions about your outlook on the world to get an understanding of you. In fact, her questions are drawn from psychological profiling questionnaires. She – and the software – are profiling you and she gives you advice based on your answers. (Source: artist description)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.05.2022 - 21:04

  8. Changing Faces: An Experiment in Friendship, Ego and ID

    Changing Faces: An Experiment in Friendship, Ego and ID was a weeklong netprov duet by Claire Donato and Mark Marino (or Claire Marino and Mark Donato), two electronic artists who grew up in Pittsburgh, studied at Brown, and whose names end in O. Taking the ultimate leap of trust, they jumped into each other’s social media accounts from August 5-12, 2015. What they learned has something to teach us all about who we are online and how others make it so.

    clairedonato - 30.08.2015 - 19:00

  9. Poetry Chains and Collocations

    Poetry Chains and Collocation Nets are two intertwined projects that investigate the 1955 edition of Emily Dickinson’s complete poems through various interactive animated navigations of collocated words. As such, they perform what Samuels and McGann term “experimental analyses.” Each of the visualizations displays a different presentation of her work. Poetry Chains begins with two words and attempts to find a chain of words in a specified number of lines that connects them together, displaying them as it succeeds. Collocation Nets begins with a single word centered in the middle of the screen. When the user selects the word, a random selected of its collocations pops out in a surrounding ring. Any of those words can be selected, which results in collocations of that word appearing. A user can toggle into an ambient mode of this visualization that automatically eventually cycles through all of the words, forever. These visualizations offer a continuously dynamic remapping of Dickinson’s work.

    Hannah Ackermans - 08.09.2015 - 10:10

  10. Inside the Distance

    In boxing “the distance” refers to the scheduled length of a fight, 9 rounds or 12. For the boxer, as for all of us, the goal is to stay standing, inside the distance. Inside the Distance—a web documentary and an installation with video and a touch-screen interactive interface—documents victim/offender mediation practices in Belgium, where Restorative Justice is institutionalized within the criminal justice system. The project examines how mediation poses a potential cultural alternative to dominant modes and theories of retributive justice and punishment. The interactive interface, which includes interviews with Mediators, Criminologists, Victims and Offenders conducted in Leuven and Brussels, focuses on the subject positions of victim, offender and mediator and the notion that those subject positions are fluid. The content of the project is organized into three parts: • “The Accounts” – presents the narratives of mediation cases as described in interviews with Mediators.

    Hannah Ackermans - 10.09.2015 - 09:58
