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  1. Pieces

    Pieces is a puzzle story. To read the work, you assemble the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, each piece yielding a portion of narrative. Under your hands, several lives take shape in earnest if sometimes wobbly and unprepossessing assemblages. The manner in which you put the pieces together affects the course of the characters’ lives, different configurations resulting in different outcomes.

    (Source: Author's description at Wordcircuits)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 15:41

  2. 4079

    a poem written in a country distant from permanent residence, distance is obvious


    Interactive poem 4079 is programmed in Processing using JavaScript. Both text and graphic user interface bring the theme of distance, moving between conditions, it questions connectedness and separation, physical and psychical proximity, remoteness and attachment. Poetics of the piece lies in the perception of individual lines of the poem as well as in interacting

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    with the dynamics of the dots and their layers. There is no set sequence of reading, so the beginning and the end may be any of the eleven

    Dan Kvilhaug - 14.03.2013 - 12:09

  3. "A Machine Made of Words by a Machine Made of Numbers"- Authorial Presence in Niemi’s Stud Poetry

    Primary Text: Marko Niemi’s Stud Poetry, a demo of which would run during the presentation.

    The paper opens with a brief discussion of the inherently conservative nature of the ELO’s definition of electronic-literature and the critical tendencies which this encourages. It has a strong focus on those critics who identify the forms which electronic literature has taken as an extension of modernist experimentation in the Twentieth Century, while disregarding the new possibilities which programmable media furnishes the poet with.

    These possibilities are manifest in Niemi’s Stud Poetry, a text which has been consistently overlooked since its publication, perhaps because it presents a challenge to the dominant critical trends. Stud Poetry cannot fully be understood in terms of print-based modernist experimentation, Dada or Burroughs, because it would be impossible to achieve without a computer program. Niemi wrote the code which ‘writes’ each poem/game.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 12:24

  4. Reading Club

    Reading Club is a project started by Emmanuel Guez and Annie Abrahams in 2013. Eleven sessions were organized with more than 40 different “readers” in English and/or French based on text extracts from Raymond Queneau, from Mez and the ARPAnet dialogues to Marshall McLuhan, Michel Bauwens and McKenzie Wark. Guez and Abrahams experimented with different reading and writing constraints (color, duration, text-length, number of “readers”, etc.) and different performance conditions (online vs. live performance, with and without sound, etc.). In a session of the Reading Club, readers are invited to read a given text together. These readers simultaneously write their own words into this text given a previously fixed maximum number of characters. The Reading Club can be seen as an interpretive arena in which each reader plays and subverts the writing of others through this intertextual game.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:21

  5. 1/2/3

    1/2/3 is an elliptical videopoem based on Russian minimalist poet Vsevolod Nekrasov’s “Utopia” and footage from Mozhaysky region of Moscow. Each time three random photos containing a space where a text could appear are shown at three interactive screens. Being touched each photo transforms to video where one out of ten lines of Nekrasov’s poem appears. The viewer never knows which of these evasively poetic lines were documented or added with digital tools. (ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 11:33

  6. Style Guide for Erasing Human Dignity

    Style Guide for Erasing Human Dignity responds to the current political climate in America through a facetious writing guide mixed with poetry. The images within it trigger more text when viewed through an augmented reality app.

    This “style guide” was inspired by a recent news article about the suggestion to modify language when applying for White House funding. This prospect is incredibly dangerous; what protections disappear when language is changed or erased? Spanish-language and LGBT resources were removed from, for example. Style Guide for Erasing Human Dignity comments on contemporary political issues (the current attack on immigration, environmental protections and journalism) with the proposal of new linguistic strategies. The guide suggests conflating words (Could ‘weather’ be the same as ‘climate’? Could ‘credible’ be replaced with ‘retweeted’?) and provides alternative definitions (Accountability: An account, and the ability to run it effectively. Also see: Social media).

    This satirical writing guide is mixed with poetry and images of burning books.

    Hannah Ackermans - 05.10.2018 - 12:40


    [] is an Internet service that blends software art and search tool to visualize participants' interests in prevalent streams of information, encouraging browsing and interaction between users in real time, through time. Utilizing the WordNet lexical reference system from Princeton University, [] introduces concepts of temporality, space, and empathy into a network-oriented search tool. Participants search for words which expand contextually through the use of a lexical database. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into floating synonym "seeds," each representing one underlying lexical concept. When participants "plant" their interests, each becomes a tree that "grows" over time. Each organism's leaves are linked to related streaming RSS feeds, and by interacting with their own and other participants' trees, participants create a contextual timescape in which interests can be seen growing and changing within an environment that endures.

    Cassie Spiral - 03.04.2020 - 19:22

  8. A Trace

    Explained very simply, this piece is a story about a man being presented with a mysterious object that is either:

    1. Directions upon which he must act or
    2. Documentation of his own origins

    If they are the former, then the events that are listed are the events that proceed. If they are the latter, the events that proceed are his re-encounter with how he came into being not as an organism, necessarily, but as a someone who believes in space, physicality, reason, etc.

    The piece alternates between two locations: "in here", which is where the narrator builds a space in order to orient himself in relation to the question the mysterious object presents, and "that sort of place", which is where the narrator is presented with new information that both helps and antagonizes him. The juxtaposition of the closed, structured space of "that sort of place" with the open sprawl of "in here" invokes the question that the narrator circles around - whether he can recreate or reconstruct his own beginnings or origins to the point of creating the closed, structured space in which he exists now.

    Cassie Spiral - 03.04.2020 - 19:40