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  1. Lexia to Perplexia

    Author description: Lexia to Perplexia is a deconstructive/grammatological examination of the "delivery machine." The text of the work falls into the gaps between theory and fiction. The work makes wide use of DHTML and JavaScript. At times its interactive features override the source text, leading to a fragmentary reading experience. In essence, the text does what it says: in that, certain theoretical attributes are not displayed as text but are incorporated into the functionality of the work. Additionally, Lexia to Perplexia explores new terms for the processes and phenomena of attachment. Terms such as "metastrophe" and "intertimacy" work as sparks within the piece and are meant to inspire further thought and exploration. There is also a play between the rigorous and the frivolous in this "exe.termination of terms." The Lexia to Perplexia interface is designed as a diagrammatic metaphor, emphasizing the local (user) and remote (server) poles of network attachment while exploring the "intertimate" hidden spaces of the process.

    (Source: Author's description from Electronic LIterature Collection, Volume 1)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.09.2010 - 17:11

  2. Stravinsky's Muse

    "Stravinsky's Muse" is a flash-based hypertext that offers a lexical sphere as a set of dials for accessing the narrative via the semantic constructs in the mind of its protagonist, Stravinsky Jones.  Each segment of narrative is complemented by a definition of one of the chosen terms in the form it takes in Jones' lexicon.

    Mark Marino - 14.03.2011 - 22:49

  3. Clues

    Clues explores the nature of communication, knowledge, and identity through the language and postures of mystery fiction. It's a metaphysical whodunit that invites you to solve the mystery by uncovering clues linked to images throughout the work. The search becomes a game that leads you down wooded trails, back alleys, and empty hallways. Which characters should you pursue? Which objects should you investigate? To win the game, you must separate all the clues from the red herrings. Your final score determines the outcome of the text. But is the mystery really soluble? Is winning actually better than losing? Are the answers or the questions more revealing?

    (Source: 2002 State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 11:45

  4. Trilogy

    My work with visual narrative has included installation form, book works, diptychs and billboard presentations. Using the web has allowed me to continue to expand my preoccupations with constructing rules for reading, methods of pacing and continue to explore image/text relationships. I am interested in the space between language and image.

    Trilogy is comprised of 3 image/text narratives whose themes are concerned with survival. Locale and characters are suggested by cropped fragments from mass media imagery as well as map fragments. While the images may allude to time period by photographic style or content, their function (protagonist, action, location) is directed by the text.

    Trilogy is a collaboration with Los Angeles fiction writers Rod Moore and Katherine Haake, both of whom have allowed me to reconfigure their texts.

    (Source: 2002 ELO State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2013 - 21:10