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  1. Sintext-W

    'Sintext-W' (1999-2000) is a Java version for the Web of the text generator 'Sintext,' (1993) with the collaboration by José Manuel Torres. According to the Web Java demo, 'Sintext-W' can be understood as: In this space the cybernaut can have a first contact with the automatic text generator 'Sintext-W' (Text Synthesizer). The user can visualize the automatic generation of 3 generative texts available here: · 'Didáctica' (example) · 'Balada de Portugal' (extract) · 'Teoria do Homem Sentado' (fragment) For this purpose it is enough that the user clicks on the buttons located below, under the 2nd display window; in the 1st window one may consult the matrix-text which originates it. The text's flow rate may be accelerated or delayed by two controllers; the user can also choose to execute the texts in an endless cycle as a continuous creation of new meanings. (Text adapted and translated by Álvaro Seiça based on the Java demo version at

    Scott Rettberg - 11.07.2013 - 11:44

  2. alle_forteller_meg_hvor_bra_jeg_er_i_tilfelle_jeg_blir_det

    I denne boka forsøker en 23 år gammel person å ‘utforske’/vurdere mulige årsaker til og/eller virkningen/relevansen av diverse følelser, traumer, (drømme-/fortids-/framtids-) scenarier, spørsmål, fenomener. Et av diktene handler om Angelina Jolie.

    Source: Flamme Forlag (Publisher)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.08.2013 - 17:03

  3. The Operature

    The Operature is an interactive installation of narrative-poetic movements engaging themes of forensics, anatomy and 21stcentury embodiment. The work incorporates a range of historical and contemporary contexts of observation and anatomical analysis including early modern surgical theaters, Francis Glessner Lee’s Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, and The Stud File, a methodical archive of personal evidence documenting the sexual exploits of Samuel Steward, a 20th century tattoo artist, gay pornographer, and friend of Gertrude Stein. In this iteration, 12 disks with biological symbols can be scanned by a webcam to access visual-textual movements as well as qr codes and augmented reality markers that can be examined with a smartphone. The Operature is a multi-modal project of the collective Anatomical Theatres of Mixed Reality (ATOM-r) with several large-scale manifestations including a 2-hour live performance and a 25-screen installation. This scaled-down version will include artifacts drawn from the larger body of work. (Source: ELO Conference 2014)

    Scott Rettberg - 13.09.2013 - 02:48

  4. Evolution

    Evolution is a online artwork that emulates the writing and compositions of poet and artist Johannes Heldén. The application analyzes a set of all published text- and sound-work by the artist and generates a continuously evolving poem that simulates Heldéns style : in vocabulary, the spacing in-between words, syntax. In this performance, the digital version of artist meets the original. The aim is to raise questions about authenticity, about the future, about physics and science fiction.


    Alvaro Seica - 25.09.2013 - 12:22

  5. Lectures assistées par ordinateur

    Le duo Akenaton a été créé en 1984, en Corse (Ajaccio) par Philippe Castellin, poète proche des courants des poésies expérimentales et Jean Torregrosa, plasticien. La performance proposée s’appuiera sur la lecture d’une centaine de textes au choix tirés au sort par une machine, qui les déclamera par voix synthétique. Ces choix seront opérés sur le clavier et lanceront parfois des vidéos préenregistrées, toujours tirées au sort par la machine. Opérant en duo, chacun des artistes peut tour à tour monter sur scène, lire en live et accompagner par la lecture de la machine manipulée par le second artiste.


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 12:58

  6. Sim/Oui


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 16:57

  7. çacocophonie

    Çacocophonie is built with Processing and was published at DOC(K)S homepage in July 2013. On September 23, 2013, during the first debate of the ELO 2013 conference "Chercher le Texte," Castellin presented at Le Centre Pompidou auditorium in Paris three different versions of the poem: a plain and static text version, written on a word processor, and two animated versions, both built with Processing, but having slow and quick juxtapositions of animated text.

    Alvaro Seica - 20.10.2013 - 20:26

  8. Swift-Speare

    Inspired partly by JM Coetzee's statistical work on Beckett's writing style, Swift-Speare is a set of experiments in machine-learning-assisted poetry composition using the Dr. Johnson prototyping framework Matias designed for TouchType.

    Source: author description.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.01.2014 - 16:48

  9. Kenny Drama

    Kenny Drama is a story written in JavaScript that unfolds over a series of pages through user interaction. The story is told from the perspectives of various characters who are all named Kenny. The Kennies are extremely preoccupied with the state of cultural production today. They struggle to communicate within the rhetorical restraints of their personal/professional roles.

    J. R. Carpenter - 17.03.2014 - 11:14

  10. Computerized Japanese Haiku

    A haiku-generating program written in TRAC at the Cambridge Language Research Unit.

    Scott Rettberg - 21.08.2014 - 11:53
