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  1. The Babysitter

    “The Babysitter,” published in Pricksongs and Descants (1969), is a classic of postmodern fiction. The story consists of over one hundred fragments – paragraphs set off from each other by space breaks, that take us through multiple and divergent sequences of what might have or what could have occurred during the course of one evening between a babysitter, a baby, her boyfriend, and the mother and father of the house. Although chronological progression takes place in the story, as we move from 7:40 pm into the late hours of the night, the distinction between objective reality and fantasy falls away as we read the fragments, and every possibility has equal opportunity to be visited. “The Babysitter” is one of the best examples in print of the idea of multilinearity that digital hypertext seemed poised to exploit, a story that is not one progression of events, but many possible progressions of events branching from the same tree.

    (Source: Electronic Literature by Scott Rettberg)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.08.2013 - 16:47

  2. In absentia maps Mile End stories

    In absentia maps Mile End stories

    J. R. Carpenter - 19.08.2013 - 12:54

  3. ¡Más respeto que soy tu madre!

    The blog, written by Hernán Casciari and illustrated by Bernardo Erlich, has been edited in Castilian by Plaza y Janés, in Spain, 2005, and Editorial Sudamericana, Argentina, 2006. The novel has been translated into several languages. In November, 2005 "More respect, I am your Mother" it was chosen by Deutsche Welle International, Germany, like the best weblog of the world. In 2009 the history was adapted to the theater by the actor and governing Argentinian Antonio Gasalla and it will be taken to the movies by Juan José Campanella.

    Maya Zalbidea - 22.08.2013 - 21:18

  4. Collaborative Narrative

    Brief entry on collaborative narrative situating collaboration in hypertext and online writing contexts.

    Collaboratively written narratives are not specific to new media: a number of works within the Western cultural and literary canon, for example the epics of Homer, the Judeo-Christian Bible, and Beowulf, are believed to have been developed through collaborative storytelling and writing processes. It can however be said that collaborative writing practices are more prevalent in contemporary digital media than in print.

    Electronic literature authors most often write within software platforms that are themselves “authored”—every time someone opens up Photoshop, or Flash, they are reminded of the long list of developers who actually wrote the software. So even making use of a particular application is a type of collaboration. There is a greater degree of transparency to the collective efforts involved in digital media production than to traditional literary production.

    (Source: Author's introduction)

    Scott Rettberg - 01.11.2013 - 11:53

  5. Tube Lines

    Tube Lines is a set of overlapping multimedia narratives – personal and historical, passengers and staff – revealed through a reworking of the Central London underground map. Readers may choose to follow the linear love story by tracing a particular journey around the 78 stops and lines. Alternatively they may access the nodes randomly in a kind of dadaist reading of the tale ; or instead follow their own particular personal journey in the form of a digital labyrinth.

    (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

    Alex Belov - 18.11.2013 - 16:41

  6. Mrs. Wobbles and the Tangerine House: The Mysterious Floor

    Mrs. Wobbles & the Tangerine House is an interactive story about a mysterious foster home, taking in children who need her special kind of magical love. "The Mysterious Floor" is the first story in this collection. Mrs. Wobbles and the Tangerine House was written by Mark C. Marino in collaboration with his two children, his daughter (age 10) and his son (age 8) with art by Brian Gallagher. The piece was built on the Undum platform.

    Mark Marino - 19.12.2013 - 12:40

  7. Don Juan en la frontera del espíritu

    Es una novela histórica en formato Web. Don Juan Valera, durante su embajada en Washington se enfrenta a los rebeldes cubanos y se enamora de la hija de Bayard, el Secretario de Estado del presidente Cleveland. Esta novela puede ser leída como novela web, en formato e-book o en versión impresa.

    Maya Zalbidea - 03.01.2014 - 18:41

  8. Inkubus

    You're a teenage girl, connected, clued-in, but what lurks in the deepest, darkest regions beyond the screen? A first-person coming-of-age story-game. ( Source: Andy Campbell ) A first-person playable coming-of-age story, in 2D and 3D, that centres on a teenage girl, immersed in contemporary digital culture. With creeping awareness, she / the player struggles with the insidious gender stereotyping, where womanhood is rendered as malleable and polymorphic as a digital doll, that literally threatens to drain her of life. ( Source: Patricia Tomaszek ) Inkubus is a first-person playable coming-of-age story, in media-rich 3D, about a contemporary teenage girl, who’s connected and clued in. But what lurks in the deepest darkest regions beyond the screen? The story-game progresses via skewed and leading questions, designed to distort the girl's behaviour, before being drawn into a visceral labyrinth where a malevolent force peddles a destructive artificial feminine ideal.

    Andy Campbell - 18.01.2014 - 01:12

  9. El blog de los sueños (Dream Blog)

    Dream Blog is a personal diary. In fact, it isn’t really a diary if by “diary” we refer to the events that take place during the day time. It is better to call it a “nightry” as it registers what happened in my dreams during the nights of 2007 and 2008. Being a "nightry" it is written with white ink.

    Maya Zalbidea - 11.02.2014 - 19:01

  10. El primer vuelo de los hermanos Wright

    El proceso de creación hipertextual de esta obra se remonta hasta el año 1995, cuando me planteé el problema del hipertexto como posibilidad de creación literaria. Esta es una hipernovela experimental. Este proyecto se concluyó porque tengo la convicción profunda de que el medio electrónico representa el futuro de la literatura (Escrito por el autor, Juan B. Gutiérrez)

    Maya Zalbidea - 01.03.2014 - 19:44
