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  1. 243 cartes postales en couleurs véritables

    Creation of fictional postcards, later included in the work Machines à Ecrire (1999) by Antoine Denize and Bernard Magné.

    Dan Kvilhaug - 08.04.2013 - 13:39

  2. Histoire de la Femme aux Grosses Mains

    Une femme se réveille un matin avec une anomalie biologique : elle interprète le monde environnant au travers des sillons de ses doigts dès qu’elle touche un objet. La science et la médecine l’aident à s’adapter à cette nouvelle captation du monde, qu’elle vit comme une hypersensibilité continue. Ses mains grossissent : c’est la Femme Aux Grosses Mains, la FAGM. Le cédérom est accompagné d’un livre illustré, dont il constitue le dernier chapitre. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 08.04.2013 - 14:07

  3. Apparitions inquiétantes

    Apparitions inquiétantes est un récit hypertextuel, paru en format feuilleton de 1998 à 2000. Débutant par l'assassinat d'un médecin au bord de sa piscine, l'univers diégétique du récit s'ouvre considérablement sur un panorama de personnages étranges et variés. Du contenu visuel (photographies numériques généralement altérées) s'ajoute au texte. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 09.04.2013 - 21:01

  4. Voyage avec l’ange

    Voyage avec l'ange est une fiction interactive qui mêle poésie et humour, délires visuels et symbolisme, créations musicales et vocales. C'est en compagnie de l'ange Gabriel, personnage principal de cette étrange et captivante aventure, ou il n'y a ni début ni fin, que nous accomplirons ce voyage, à travers des univers imaginaires peuplés d'êtres mythiques. Ce conte s'adresse à un public d'adolescents et d'adultes, amateurs de bande dessinées, de dessins animés et d'histoires fantastiques. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 09.04.2013 - 21:17

  5. Nine Gestures for J.D. Salinger

    A poetic tribute to the writings of J.D. Salinger, this work explores Nine Stories (1953), by inviting participants to write their thoughts into a book in response to nine individual prompts, each corresponding to one of the stories. Interacting with the book reveals a series of poems that follow thematic gestures from the original writings.

    To interact, open the book to any one page, read the typed prompt and then write down either a single word, or short phrase as a response, writing onto the adjoining page’s writable section using the pen. A nearby screen responds by offering several composed verses with each inscription. When a section is filled, that gesture is considered complete.

    (Source: Author's description for ELO_AI)

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 23:29

  6. One or More Disfigurements in the Home

    One or More Disfigurements in the Home is a hypertextual fiction involving the memory and disfigurement of a narrator within the home. The text comes from an excerpt of an original work of fiction. Because sections of text are chosen quasi-randomly, you will not experience the entire source text in one sitting.

    (Source: Author's descripiton for ELO_AI)

    Click and drag horizontally or vertically to scroll, and, after some time has passed, clickable grey links will appear. There is something similar to an ending; a full(ish) reading will take at least 10 minutes. If you see it moving itself, it is simply waiting for you to start interacting.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 23:39

  7. Big Swing

    Big Swing is a semi-non-linear, online narrative that mixes text, photography, sound design, video and interactivity. The story is designed to be explored rather than read. Delivered in semi-non-linear modules, the piece attempts to introduce and resolve tension in the manner of a traditional narrative, while still providing the user some degree of choice and control.

    Exploring the story: Click on the small squares and words to reveal story fragments. Yellow words connect to the next chapter.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:18

  8. Sphiros

    Sphiros presents the fictional tale of what happens when a timequake creates a world that really is open source. It is staged in a modified version of the WithinSpace interface (created by net artist Jason Nelson) for the Adobe Flash platform.

    This is an exercise in arrangement -- most of its elements are ripped and remixed from a variety of sources both print and web; some are original.

    Each layer of Sphiros can be populated by any content -- text, image, video, sound, Flash animation, webpage, etc. These layers are then stacked on top of each other. A combination of scaling and transparency allows the user to move through the piece.

    Initially, Sphiros was presented in a web-distributed, mouse-driven format. For the installation at AI.ELO, the piece makes use of low-cost headtracking techniques. Users don a pair of infrared LED glasses and stand in front of a screen where a Nintendo WiiMote acts as an infrared camera. A combination of open-source and custom software translates the position of a user in realspace into a position inside of Sphiros.

    This version of Sphiros is set to 'Se Izst' by Icelandic wunderband, Sigur Rós.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:30

  9. The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project

    The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project experiments with microfiction, or flash fiction, a genre of literature that generally entails narratives of only 300-1000 words. Inspired by Richard Brautigan’s pithy “The Scarlatti Tilt”, a story of only 34 words published in 1971, my work involves 24 stories of 140 characters or less about life in an American city in the 21st C. delivered––or “tweeted”––on Twitter over a 24 hr. period.

    The launch date was Friday, August 21, beginning 12 a.m. PST. Each hour until 11 p.m., I posted a story, and followers of my twitter site were encouraged to tweet their own. After followers tweeted their stories, I cut and pasted them to the Project Blog. An archive of all of the stories can be found there.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:39

  10. Radiant Copenhagen

    "Klokken fem samme morgen havde en organisation ved navn Radiant Copenhagen udsendt en pressemeddelelse, hvori de udgav sig for at være en nystartet underafdeling af selvsamme Wonderful Copenhagen og bekendtgjorde, at en replika i overstørrelse af den tidligst kendte udgave af arten homo sapiens, Jing Chang-kraniet fra Kina, skulle vikariere for havfruen, mens hun var nede hos kineserne. »En fantastisk idé, som måske kunne skabe lidt røre i andedammen,« som en talsmand fra Radiant Copenhagen formulerede det. Er det billedkunst? Litteratur? Performance? Det er gudskelov det hele på en gang og med garanti noget fjerde. At ville skelne er fuldstændig at overse hybridens potentiale. Men allerede som elektronisk kunst og litteratur repræsenterer det, takket være sit kæmpe omfang og sin gennemarbejdede form, et meget ambitiøst forsøg i dansk sammenhæng. " -Sitert fra Christian Yde Frostholms rapport on Radiant Copenhagen: Medvirkende: Maja Zander, Kaspar Bonnen, Stig W Jørgensen, Palle R.

    Sissel Hegvik - 29.04.2013 - 15:27
