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  1. Frankenstein

    The year is 1792 and in his Paris laboratory, Victor Frankenstein is building a man... Guide his tale with your choices in this unique literary app.

    Written by best-selling author Dave Morris, designed and developed by creative studio inkle and published by award-winning independent publisher, Profile Books, Frankenstein is a new way of experiencing Mary Shelley's classic tale of terror and revenge.

    The original text has been fully adapted into interactive form, allowing you the reader to visit Frankenstein's workshop, help him make his monster, and guide him through the disastrous events that follow.

    (Source: Publisher's description in the iTunes store)

    Scott Rettberg - 26.01.2013 - 16:21

  2. Kvinden ved siden af

    This is the story of two women whose souls switch bodies during their surgery after a traffic accident they were both involved in. The story is told in a standalone iPad app, narrated in part by the sister of one of the women and in part through a series of documents that the sister finds or is given: the doctor's report of the surgery, emails and chat transcripts from people reacting to the soul-swapping, and various other Although the story is entirely linear, the illustrations and the feeling of opening documents on the screen make this short story well suited to the tablet reading environment. The style of writing is humorous and at times somewhat caricatured, though also raising large questions about identity and mortality.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.01.2013 - 21:18

  3. Stjernetime

    A short story told from the perspective of a young girl named Stella, who is lying in the grass in the summer sunshine when she realises that she cannot move. She finds that in order to escape from this immobility she can change herself into a series of other things and creatures: a stone, a fish, a house - and she finally finds that she in fact wants to be herself again. This is a lyrical story raising questions of identity and the transition from child to adult.

    The story is displayed as a series of pages with a paragraph on each page and graphical elements beneath. It is entirely linear, but designed to be read on an iPad.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.01.2013 - 21:27

  4. Kaos

    A poem where each line is superimposed on a video of a man putting an oddly shaped box on a table and slowly unpacking it. The poem describes the box as containing chaos, bought at a shop and well packaged. The work is entirely linear, but after a few lines of poem and 10-15 seconds of video the image pauses and darkens until the reader touches the screen and thus makes the poem continue. A certain momentum is achieved simply because the reader does not know what is in the box until the end of the poem.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.01.2013 - 21:46

  5. Buzz Aldrin Doesn't Know Any Better

    This poem evokes the attempt to make sense out of a conversation with a rambling street person in San Francisco, and its design and interface both contribute to that effect. Lewis breaks up the line into words clustered together in a large font size to form a word cloud. The superposition of the gently rotating words create a dense, white, unreadable mass, which only makes sense around the edges as words are able to briefly break free into a space with better contrast. But just because you can’t read a word doesn’t mean it isn’t there: touching a word on the screen makes it appear along with the rest of the words in the line, by changing the font color to purple. One word in each line is a softer shade of purple and will follow your fingertip on the surface of the touchscreen. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 08.02.2013 - 14:33

  6. What They Speak When They Speak to Me

    Originally produced as an installation piece for large touchscreen monitors in 2007, this poem is now available as a free iOS App. The Speak app turns all the letters of the poems into a kind of letter cloud or constellation but with the letters hovering over their relative position. When you touch the screen and drag your fingertip across it, the poetic line is reconstituted from that point onwards, following the trail left by your finger’s movement, and fading back into the cloud when you lift your finger. This allows for readers to experience incomplete lines and incomplete words, depending on where you’ve touched in the sentence. Lewis engages this computational structure in his poem thematically, because it is about miscommunication across language, culture, and identity. The snippets of comprehension one gets when hearing speech in different languages are echoed in the poem’s structure.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 08.02.2013 - 14:42

  7. Alice for the iPad

    This application includes hundreds of pages and animated scenes, based on the classical story of "Alice in Wonderland". Full screen physics modeling brings illustrations to life.

    Sunniva Berg - 13.03.2013 - 13:31

  8. The Waste Land (iPad edition)

    The Waste Land (iPad edition)

    Sunniva Berg - 13.03.2013 - 13:45

  9. Upgrade Soul

    With fluid navigation, interactive 3D and dynamic music, Upgrade Soul tells the story of Hank and Molly Nonnar, wealthy science buffs who decide to fund a risky, experimental therapy to rejuvenate the human body, with only one condition: that they be first in line to receive it. When dangerous complications develop... the battle for psychological dominance begins. • Uniquely immersive • Smooth, seamless navigation • Native multi-panel experience without awkward panning and zooming • Glasses-free interactive 3D on select panels • Rich, dynamic score that you perform as you read • Great experience when mirrored to Apple TV • Behind the scenes extras and unlockable content

    Sunniva Berg - 13.03.2013 - 13:51

  10. Why Some Dolls Are Bad: a generative graphic novel for the iPhone

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad is a generative, permutational graphic novel which engages themes of ethics, fashion, artifice and the self, and presents a re-examination of systems and materials including mohair, contagion, environmental decay, Perspex cabinetry, and false-seeming things in nature such as Venus Flytraps.

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad was originally launched on the Facebook platform but has been adapted for the iPhone and relaunched in 2010. The project collects images from a tag-constrained stream of public Flickr images and combines them with fragments from the original non-linear text. Once the application is downloaded, image and text come together into a frame which is read and then advanced, creating an ongoing dynamic narrative.

    Readers can capture frames and send them to an archive, where each frame becomes a “page” in the novel. The collective archiving of iterative captures from the project means that a version of the book can be read in a linear order.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 22:49
