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  1. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature

    The digital age has had a profound impact on literary culture, with new technologies opening up opportunities for new forms of literary art from hyperfiction to multi-media poetry and narrative-driven games. Bringing together leading scholars and artists from across the world, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature is the first authoritative reference handbook to the field.

    Crossing disciplinary boundaries, this book explores the foundational theories of the field, contemporary artistic practices, debates and controversies surrounding such key concepts as canonicity, world systems, narrative and the digital humanities, and historical developments and new media contexts of contemporary electronic literature. Including guides to major publications in the field, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature is an essential resource for scholars of contemporary culture in the digital era.

    (Source: Publisher's description)

    Alvaro Seica - 09.02.2018 - 12:33

  2. The Freedom Adventure of Portuguese Experimentalism and Kinetic Poetry

    The Freedom Adventure of Portuguese Experimentalism and Kinetic Poetry

    Ana Castello - 27.04.2018 - 14:25

  3. Electronic Literature

    Electronic Literature considers new forms and genres of writing that exploit the capabilities of computers and networks – literature that would not be possible without the contemporary digital context.

    In this book, Rettberg places the most significant genres of electronic literature in historical, technological, and cultural contexts. These include hypertext fiction, combinatory poetics, interactive fiction (and other game-based digital literary work), kinetic and interactive poetry, and networked writing based on our collective experience of the Internet. He argues that electronic literature demands to be read both through the lens of experimental literary practices dating back to the early twentieth century and through the specificities of the technology and software used to produce the work. 

    Scott Rettberg - 01.05.2018 - 20:06

  4. Redefining Electronic Literature

    Scott Rettberg presents his forthcoming monograph Electronic Literature (Polity, 2018), Joseph Tabbi introduces the collection The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature (Bloomsbury, 2018). Eric Rasmussen moderates a discussion of the two books and the field of electronic literature. Part of the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base symposium at the University of Bergen, April 27, 2018.

    Scott Rettberg - 01.05.2018 - 20:37

  5. Literatura electrónica en español / Electronic Literature in Spanish

    Alex Saum-Pascual presents and contextualizes contemporary Spanish-language electronic literature and reads from her digital poetry.


    Scott Rettberg - 03.05.2018 - 10:00

  6. Saying Something about "I Have Said Nothing"

    This essay offers an in-depth analysis of the themes that dominate the work, "I Have Said Nothing." It also provides reference materials, both creative and critical, instrumental for a better understanding of the work. 

    Mouannes Hojairi - 06.06.2018 - 18:47

  7. Untangling the Threads of the Labyrinth in David Kolb's "Socrates in the Labyrinth"

    This esssays contains biographical information on the US philosopher, David Kolb and bibliographic, hypertext and other media pertaining to Kolb's ground-breaking essay, "Socrates in the Labyrinth."

    Marta Deyrup - 06.06.2018 - 18:58

  8. Is there a gap in the classroom? Inanimate Alice in Portuguese schools

    There is still a big gap between electronic literature for children and Portuguese schools. Actually, this situation is in contrast with the increasing interest the educational community and publishers show in print literature for children and young adults in Portugal.
    In this paper we aim to develop the steps that the team from the project Inanimate Alice: Translating Electronic Literature for an Educational Context (Centre of Portuguese Literature at the University of Coimbra) took in order to give Portuguese students the opportunity to experience e-lit.
    As our ultimate goal is to introduce e-lit in Portuguese schools, the team has translated the first five episodes of Inanimate Alice and is now working on the translation of the Pedagogical Guidance, created by Bill Boyd.
    To accomplish that, we needed to find financial support to publish the Portuguese version of the series. So we contacted the two biggest education-oriented Publishing Companies in Portugal, but they rely a lot on the ministerial documents and they barely dare to innovate, as it is safer to publish what the Ministry of Education (ME) recommends schools, teachers and students to buy.

    Li Yi - 05.09.2018 - 15:48

  9. Pleasure and E-Lit: Looking at the Difficult and Unfamiliar in the Undergraduate Classroom

    In their 2001 book Art with a Difference: Looking at Difficult and Unfamiliar Art, Leonard Diepeeveen and Timothy Van Laar observe “Artwork is not just an object; it is an object (or event) that does something. The most basic thing an artwork does is give its viewers an implicit set of instructions for its use; it suggests ways in which it ought to be experienced” (95).

    While not written with electronic literature in mind, the book was designed as a supplementary text for beginning arts courses with an awareness of the difficulty that many beginning or non- specialist readers have in understanding contemporary art. The e-lit classroom can be beset by similar difficulties; even the most avid readers in a class can be puzzled by or resistant to the diverse cognitive and ergodic “reading” activities that accrue under the banner of electronic literature.

    Li Yi - 05.09.2018 - 16:01

  10. Histories and Genres of Electronic Literature

    This lightning talk will be a presentation of a new book by Scott Rettberg, Electronic Literature, forthcoming from Polity Press in Autumn 2018. Electronic literature has rapidly developed as a field of creative practice, academic research, and pedagogy. A growing concentration of critical and theoretical activity in electronic literature has corresponded to similar growth in the corpus of creative work in the international field. With few exceptions however the research monographs have been narrow in focus and aimed at specialist researchers. University teachers in the field have had to cobble together reading lists with no core text available for adoption. There has until now however been a significant lack in the literature of the field: few books so far have attempted to constitute electronic literature in a broad sense as a subject in totality.

    Amirah Mahomed - 19.09.2018 - 14:20
