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  1. Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media

    A broad narratological discussion of immersion and interactivity, not only in digital media but in print fiction. Includes a chapter fully devoted to a close reading of Michael Joyce's Twelve Blue.

    (Source: ELMCIP)

    Is there a significant difference in attitude between immersion in a game and immersion in a movie or novel? What are the new possibilities for representation offered by the emerging technology of virtual reality? As Marie-Laure Ryan demonstrates in Narrative as Virtual Reality, the questions raised by new, interactive technologies have their precursors and echoes in pre-electronic literary and artistic traditions. Formerly a culture of immersive ideals—getting lost in a good book, for example—we are becoming, Ryan claims, a culture more concerned with interactivity. Approaching the idea of virtual reality as a metaphor for total art, Narrative as Virtual Reality applies the concepts of immersion and interactivity to develop a phenomenology of reading. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.10.2011 - 21:11

  2. Immersion and Interactivity in Digital Fiction

    Digital fiction began by defining itself against the printed book. In so doing, transgression of linearity and the attempt to reduce the authorial presence in the text, were soon turned into defining characteristics of this literary form. Works of digital fiction were first described as fragmented objects comprised of “text chunks” interconnected by hyperlinks, which offered the reader freedom of choice and a participatory role in the construction of the text. These texts were read by selecting several links and by assembling lexias. However, the expansion of the World Wide Web and the emergence of new software and new devices, suggested new reading and writing experiences. Technology offered new ways to tell a story, and with it, additional paradigms. Hyperlinks were replaced with new navigation tools and lexias gave way to new types of textual organization. The computer became a multimedia environment where several media could thrive and prosper. As digital fiction became multimodal, words began to share the screen with image, video, music or icons.

    Daniela Côrtes Maduro - 05.02.2015 - 12:28

  3. Imersão e Interactividade na Ficção Digital

    A presente tese de doutoramento é dedicada a uma forma de contar histórias com cerca de três décadas de existência. Recém-chegada ao horizonte literário, a ficção digital começou por definir-se através de uma contraposição face ao livro impresso. A transgressão da linearidade e a tentativa de reduzir a presença autoral no texto, foram tornadas em características fundamentais desta forma literária. As primeiras obras de ficção digital eram descritas como objectos fragmentados que continham lexias interligadas através de hiperligações. Esta estrutura tinha como objectivo oferecer liberdade de escolha ao leitor e uma maior participação na construção do texto. No entanto, a expansão da World Wide Web e a emergência de novo software e de novos dispositivos permitiram a criação de experiências adicionais de leitura e de escrita. A tecnologia possibilitava a introdução de novas formas de contar histórias, mas também novos paradigmas. A hiperligação acabaria por ser substituída por novas ferramentas de navegação e a divisão em lexias acabaria por dar lugar a novos tipos de organização textual.

    Daniela Côrtes Maduro - 20.09.2016 - 14:29