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  1. Cia Rinnes Zaroum

    Critical essay on Cia Rinnes digital archive zaroum, appearing in the collection New Nordic Visual Poetry (2006-2008) published on Afsnit P.

    Sissel Hegvik - 04.04.2013 - 17:05

  2. My Own Private Augmented Reality: ulillillia's Mind Game

    This paper looks at Nick Smith's (aka ulilllillia) "Mind Game" as an illustration of how augmented reality systems, while based in digital media, do not necessarily rely on digital software or hardware, but in the influence of digitally-mediated practices on the imagination. !Smith's "Mind Game" constitutes a form of experiential poetry mediated through augmented reality.

    (Source: Author's abstract for ELO_AI)

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 11:33

  3. A Travesty Generator for Micros

    Literary critical Hugh Kenner and computer scientist Joseph O'Rourke introduced their Perl text scrambler "Travesty" in an issue of BYTE magazine.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.06.2013 - 23:48

  4. Fragments des mémoires d'un poème

    Fragments des mémoires d'un poème

    Scott Rettberg - 26.06.2013 - 10:13

  5. Minecrafted Meaning: The Rhetoric of Poetry in Game Environments

    This essay is a synopsis of my fourth chapter from my dissertation. My research consists of game-poems and how they fundamentally alter the experience of “reading” poetry. Ultimately, my argument is that poetic experience is no longer initiated by text, but by the kinetic, audible, visual, and tactile functions in the digital environment that I label as trans-medial space; in effect, these functions sustain the poetry experience, and, thus, require the reader/user of the poem to play, rather than read, as a new form of “reading” the digital game-poem in order experience and interpret a poem’s meaning.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 09:05

  6. Les Basiques: la littérature numérique

    Ce Basiques se propose d'explorer les contrées de la littérature numérique. Ses approches sont diverses et relèvent de conceptions parfois antagonistes. Elle forme un continent ancré dans des cultures variées qui dialoguent entre elles en son sein parce qu'elle les mixe et les questionne. La littérature numérique s'insère ainsi pour partie dans la continuité de démarches littéraires parfois anciennes, mais présente par ailleurs des points de rupture d'avec elles. C'est pourquoi son rapport avec les littératures issues des traditions classiques demeure conflictuel, souvent à son corps défendant, et ce, sans doute, pour longtemps encore. Que cela ne t'empêche pas, ami lecteur, de l'explorer. Elle te réservera bien des surprises, enflammera ton imaginaire comme il sied à toute littérature et saura te procurer toute une alchimie d'émotions, tant affectives qu'intellectuelles, sur des modes inattendus et vierges de toute rengaine.

    (Source: Bootz's introduction to the project)

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 17:19

  7. Digital Poesi. Æstetisk Analyse og det Mediales Rolle i Kunstværkers Kommunikation

    ENGLISH SUMMARY Digital Poetry: Aesthetic analysis and the role ofmediality in the communication of artwork Digital poetry (language-based digital art) is a global, interdisciplinary movement consisting of poets, artists and programmers who study and develop opportunities for programmed writing. Digital poetry combines writing with animation, images and sound. There are moving letters, interaction and autogenerative programming. Some digital poems also consist of actual programming code. Digital poetry can be colourful, expressive, technologically advanced, organic, delicate and minimalistic. The thesis consists of analyses of selected examples of digital poetry and investigates, discusses and demonstrates how digital poetry can be analysed. This results in a wide range of theoretical issues concerning genre and intermediality, media philosophical questions regarding technologies of writing and issues related to programming, materiality, temporality and agency. The thesis is a methodological reflection on which concepts should be applied and what new set of questions should be asked in the analysis of digital poetry and contemporary digital art in a broader sense.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 28.06.2013 - 17:21

  8. Jumping to Occlusions

    "Jumping to Occlusions" is perhaps the first thorough statement of a poetics of online space. In the present hypertextual trickster edition, a lively investigative language of the link is employed helping to develop this essay's written argument through its own hypertextuality -- its jumps, sidebars, graphics, embedded sound files, misleadings, and other features. This essay explores electronic technology's opportunities for the production, archiving, distribution, and promotion of poetic texts but most importantly, argues that electronic space is a space of writing. For previous excursions into this a written terrain of links and jumps one need only look to the language experiments of certain poets writing in this century. Such poets include Gertrude Stein, Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, and Language-related experimentalists such as Charles Bernstein, Ron Silliman, and Susan Howe. Electronic writing, like previous instances of writing, engages the double "mission" of writing evident in some of this experimental poetry: to varying degrees, writing is about a subject, but also about the medium through which it is transmitted.

    Scott Rettberg - 01.07.2013 - 12:22

  9. Der Dialog der Kultur und die Kultur des Dialogs: Die chinesische Netzliteratur

    Mit der Entwicklung des Internets erscheinen im chinesischen Literaturraum viele neue literarische Werke in Internet-Megaportalen, auf literarischen Webseiten und auf persönlichen Homepages. Aus Schreiblust oder um persönliche Gefühle auszudrücken stellen Amateurautoren ihre Werke ins Netz. Sie handeln vor allem nicht von den großen Themen, sondern überwiegend von persönlichen Erfahrungen und Gefühlen. Ihre Sprache ist oft witzig, lebendig, alltäglich. Zugleich tauchen auch einige Werke auf, die gar nicht für die Buchform konzipiert worden sind. Sie bestehen aus vielen Hyperlinks, die die Leser anklicken können oder müssen, oder sie benutzen außer Sprache auch Musik, Animationen und andere mediale Ausdrucksformen. Einige Werke beruhen sogar auf der interaktiven Teilnahme des Lesers als unverzichtbare Voraussetzung für ihre Entstehung.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 01.07.2013 - 14:23

  10. You are the one thinking this: locative poetry as deictic writing

    This article presents an experiment in locative literature. Using the textopia system for sharing of literary texts through spatial annotation and locative exploration with mobile devices, a commissioned work was created for a poetry festival. The project aimed to explore how professional, renowned poets could contribute a deepened understanding of the locative medium. The texts produced show two important traits. Firstly, a particular use of deictic relationships, in which words like “you” and “here” take on a particular importance, indicating that these words work like entry points for fiction and markers of make-believe. Secondly, a preoccupation with relations of absence and presence, both temporal and spatial, producing poetic recreations of a location's memory and spatial connections to the rest of the world.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.07.2013 - 15:29
