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  1. Transient Self-Portrait

    Transient self–portrait is an artistic research project with the aim of creating an interactive piece.
    I take as the point of departure two pivotal sonnets in Spanish literature that are normally studied
    alongside each other, En tanto que de rosa y azucena by Garcilaso de La Vega, a 16th Century
    Spanish poet, using Italian Renaissance verse forms and Mientras por competir con tu cabello by
    Luís de Gongora, a 17th Century Spanish poet from the Baroque period. Gongora’s sonnet is a
    homage to Garcilaso’s and the styles and the cultural aspects that appear on the sonnets are very
    different reflecting the attitudes from the Renaissance and the Baroque.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 20.06.2012 - 19:33

  2. Transdução: Processos de Transferência na Literatura e Arte Digitais

    Electronic Literature and Digital Art share many processes, themes, creative and theoretical guidelines. In this sense, I developed a critical framework that could resist to a hyperdisciplinary analysis and include one of the characteristics of this sharing pattern: the transfer and transformation processes. In order to recognize these processes I have done an approach of the transduction concept that could perform a theoretical migration on these aspects: the transducer function. Thus, the transducer function appears in the critical analysis of the works by Mark Z. Danielewski, Stuart Moulthrop, R. Luke DuBois and André Sier. The selected works are representative of the following genres: novel, hyperfiction, and digital installation, drawing on phenomena and concerns resulting from the creative production within the digital culture. In this research I have enhanced mechanisms, patterns, languages and common grounds: authorship, user, cybertext, surface, hypertext, infoduct, interactivity, pixel, algorithm, code, programming, network, software and data. (Source: Author's abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 15.08.2013 - 15:59