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  1. The Pleasure of the Coast: A Hydro-graphic Novel

    The Pleasure of the Coast: A Hydro-graphic Novel is a bilingual web-based work in English and French. This work was commissioned by the « Mondes, interfaces et environnements à l’ère du numérique » research group at Université Paris 8 in partnership with the cartographic collections of the Archives nationales. The title and much of the text in the work détourne Roland Barthes’ The Pleasure of the Text (1973), replacing the word ‘text’ with the word ‘coast’. The images are drawn from an archive of coastal elevations made on a voyage for discovery to the South Pacific by the French hydrographer Beautemps-Beaupré (1793). In French, the term ‘bande dessinée’ refers to the drawn strip. What better term to describe the hydrographic practice of charting new territories by drawing views of the coast from the ship? In English, the term for ‘bande dessinée’ is ‘graphic novel’. In this hydro-graphic novel, Barthes’ détourned philosophy inflects the scientific and imperialist aspirations of the voyage with an undercurrent of bodily desire.

    J. R. Carpenter - 03.08.2019 - 08:09

  2. The Buoy

    “The Buoy” is a work of poetic auto-fiction that functions as a performative powerpoint presentation. Drawing inspiration from long tradition of concrete poetry, “The Buoy” is structured by a series of diagrams that strive to create a new form of language for dealing with topical political issues involving marginalized identities. The formal progression of related diagrams serves to simultaneously defamiliarize our current perceptions about language as a communications medium and to allow for new meanings and associations about language and identity to emerge. The content of the piece asks the following questions: How do we talk about things that are hard to understand? How do we talk about ourselves? How do we talk to others? How do we talk to others about ourselves? And, ultimately, how do we communicate across existing societal and political barriers? The thematics of the piece are concerned with a personal history of growing up queer in Texas, a state that remains socially conservative despite work being done to advance queer rights across the United States.

    Meredith Morran - 09.09.2019 - 22:07

  3. In Denial: a Further Redaction of the Mueller Report

    "In Denial: A Further Redaction of the Mueller Report" is an "R-rated" blackout poem created from the redacted version of the Mueller report.

    FBI special counsel Robert Mueller conducted a 22-month long investigation of whether President Trump colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 Presentential elections. When the report of his findings was released to the public, significant portions were blacked out. The full report is 448 pages long. In total, approximately 7.25% of the text or 1 in 8 lines were redacted, with most of the censored text concentrated in the sections on Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations (Source: Washinton Post, Vox).

    Chelsea Miya - 28.10.2019 - 04:00

  4. #fixurl8tionship

    On the Internet, it’s not how you feel, but how you look that counts. We create perfect lives full of perfect friends hanging out on perfect vaycays (think Fyre festival). At the same time, the internet is full of people ready to give you advice on how to fix what’s broken in your life: your car, your computer, your hair, et cetera.

    In #fixurl8tionship, we imagine a fictional world of influencers who give you superficial advice on how to fix the appearance of your broken relationships.  As with most people giving advice, the person who gives it is generally the person who needs it the most. Still, hypocrisy needs no URL, just a hashtag.  In this netprov, you will join the community to give and get advice on how to fix your relationships [for the camera].

    Yvanne Michéle Louise Kerignard - 29.10.2019 - 15:45

  5. Waveform (Film)

    An experimental piece, drawing from the artist's Waveform project, this 10 minute film depicts a single, overhead shot of incoming ocean waves, which are scanned and analysed at various points by a machine vision system, which then parses the data gathered into short, poem-like texts. This film marks an attempt at using the dynamics of the moving image to better apprehend both the subject matter and the technical processes behind Waveform.

    This piece was displayed at the Peripheries: Electronic Literature and New Media Art exhibition held at the Glucksman Gallery, Cork, as part of ELO2019, in July 2019.


    Richard Carter - 31.10.2019 - 21:14

  6. Sound Spheres

    Sound Spheres combines computational digital media and storytelling techne to provide an interface with which users can create and experience interactive aural narratives. Sound Spheres was conceptualized and created to encourage active engagement with sound sources (the colored spheres) representing narrative elements. Participants may engage these sound spheres to construct aural narratives using multiple interactive techniques. As participants do not know the contents of sound spheres, narratives constructed using this technique are serendipitous, similar to actively tuning a radio from one station to another, hoping to find interesting aural content. Meaning is supplied by the participant's interpretation, which, in turn, depends on memory, cultural context, and previous hearing experiences. Sound Spheres suggests that engaging narratives can be created from non-dialogic sound sources. And, through its remix of radio, aural narratives, and non-linear composition, Sound Spheres demonstrates new methods for creating and experiencing interactive digital storytelling.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 00:14

  7. Las Barricadas Misteriosas

    Innovative personal research and artistic project about the remains of the Spanish civil war and its memory. Theorising the use of documentary photography regarding conflict memories in correlation with other media and new technologies, particularly the open source Pure Data system.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 00:18

  8. Eldorado, Iraq 2017 (Iraqi soundscape 2012-2013)

    After fifteen years (2003-2016) of documentary field research in the Middle-East as a visual and radio producer and in the continuum of these projects, I propose here a new conceptual crossdisciplinary intuitional analysis tool. Eldorado, Iraq 2017 (Iraqi designed soundscape 2012-2013) is a practice-based, experiential and anthropological cognition system based on three-dimensional virtual reality that proposes cultural immersive sound experience through 3D environment across a country: Iraq.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 00:23

  9. Fragile Pulse: A Meditation App

    As N. Katherine Hayles has argued, the proliferation of digital media has radically transformed the ways in which we pay attention, privileging a kind of frantic and promiscuous “hyper attention” over the sustained “deep attention” traditionally solicited by long-form print media. “Fragile Pulse: A Meditation App” invites the reader to consider the ways that computational media may indeed cause what has been called “digital distraction” but may also be used in the context of regimes of self-care and self-quantification to increase our capacity to pay attention deeply. While tools for measuring, testing, and training for one's body and mind are widely popular (from the Fitbit to meditation apps like Headspace), the theme of self-care is generally peripheral to the electronic literature community. “Fragile Pulse” takes the form of a digital text/web application that encourages the viewer to pay attention to attention. Using data from the webcam and microphone, it quantifies the reader's bodily stillness and quietness.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 00:49

  10. Margins of History

    “On the Margin of History” is a witness of the destruction of ancient history and the sharp demographic change in Aleppo (Syria), Mohamad Kebbewar’s home town, a city of six million people that lost ninety percent of its residents over the course of six years. It is the witness of the breakdown of former Yugoslavia, Natasha Boskic’s homeland, culminating in the NATO bombing of Serbia where silence was the only response to events. It is a transdisciplinary project that considers the tensions between personal voice and story and the possibilities of the digital visuals, done by Mary McDonald, to suggest and reinforce false narratives and/or to create understandings through metaphor, playing with all levels of our perception. It attempts to reframe our consciousness to find empathy and closeness, humanity in chaos. The ”Margin” tells the true cost of war — the reverberating loss of the destruction of people and place, family, heritage, traditions, and cultures. These brief fragments of poem and film enhance the experience of the surreal and feelings of displacement.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 01:10
