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  1. Fest

    This is a stub-entry. For an elaborated description of the work in English, see the record provided in the Electronic Literature Directory. A description in French is provided in the NT2 database.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 28.02.2014 - 13:23

  2. El primer vuelo de los hermanos Wright

    El proceso de creación hipertextual de esta obra se remonta hasta el año 1995, cuando me planteé el problema del hipertexto como posibilidad de creación literaria. Esta es una hipernovela experimental. Este proyecto se concluyó porque tengo la convicción profunda de que el medio electrónico representa el futuro de la literatura (Escrito por el autor, Juan B. Gutiérrez)

    Maya Zalbidea - 01.03.2014 - 19:44

  3. sc4nda1 in new media

    At the heart any scandal is a story, or a thing of many stories; sc4nda1 is even more peculiar, but also begins with a telling. What you have before you started as an essay (or intent to rant) about an observation I kept reading in recent criticism, that electronic writing has not been properly dressed for the serious table. Where, the questions ran, are the publishers, the editors, the established and establishing critics? In a time of intense experiment and innovation, who says which textual deviations make real difference, and which are just bizarre? More ominously: where are the naive, casual readers, the seekers of pleasurable text who ought to move design's desire? To spin an old friend's epigraph, just who, exactly, finds this funhouse fun? ...And so to the thing itself: probably more exploration than investigation, though who knows what offenses may come to light. You may find it (inevitably) a post-serious entertainment for hand, eye, ear, and brain, other organs optional. If the thingy deserves a generic name, try arcade essay, a cross between philosophical investigation (well okay, rant) and primal video game.

    Ian Rolon - 09.04.2014 - 19:20

  4. Un relato de amor desamor

    Esta es una historia en la que se habla de amor. Pero también cuenta qué pasa cuando ese amor se acaba. Un chico y una chica eran muy felices hasta que dejaron de serlo. ¿Qué pasa entonces? Para explicarlo, en este relato se dan las dos versiones: la de la época feliz y la de la época del desamor. En ambas el lector podrá seguir el hilo de los recuerdos del chico, que es el ha sido abandonado. Pero este no es un relato tradicional. Los poemas de amor del chileno Pablo Neruda servirán de hilo conductor de esta narración.

    Maya Zalbidea - 02.05.2014 - 18:33

  5. I Made Tea

    This brief text is an example of what Ted Nelson called stretchtext, or in the author's terms, telescopic text. The text begins with three simple words: I made tea, but clicking on each word expands the word into a phrase, in which more words are highlighted and can in turn be expanded. The final narrative, which still describes an individual making a cup of tea, is a few hundred words long.

    The author also provides a link to the tools used to create this kind of telescopic text, and invites readers to create their own.

    Another more complex example of stretchtext is Judd Morrissey's The Jew's Daughter.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.05.2014 - 17:48

  6. Nada tiene sentido

    Nada tiene sentido (Nothing makes sense) by Isabel Ara and Iñaki Lorenzo is a digital diary whose narrator is desperate because he cannot get out of his bedroom, the only thing he can do is typing how he feels on his computer. Once we are reading and watching this autobiography we realize that we are reading the reflections of a schizophrenic person that finishes by losing the logical word order and whose identity is fragmented until it dissolves itself into the virtual space. ("Literatura digital en español" de Dolores Romero López) (

    Maya Zalbidea - 15.06.2014 - 21:17

  7. Si son sólo libros

    Si sólo son libros by Marla Jacarilla, 2009, is a simple hypertext in which the author links 48 books by means of a screen that evokes an image, an illustration or a collage. A paragraph selected from the book completes the presentation. The list of volumes is dynamic and it moves around the screen and therefore, after a while, the access to a particular book is lost (Félix Rémirez, translated into English by Maya Zalbidea).

    Maya Zalbidea - 17.07.2014 - 20:38

  8. El postrero deseo de Eugenia Villasans

    El lector se encuentra, en un primer nivel de lectura con una carta de Eugenia Vilasans, que se superpone a una fotografía en sepia de ella. La carta fue escrita en 1926 y permaneció escondida hasta que muriera la autora, quien confiesa la historia de su adulterio. Después de esta introducción, un link invita a acudir al escritorio de Vilasans para recomponer la historia, en donde se exponen, a modo de papeles sueltos, los fragmentos dispersos. La imagen resulta una buena metáfora del hipertexto. Postales, recortes de periódicos, hojas de diarios personales con diferentes fechas, cartas del amante, conforman la trama. Un relato epistolar que debe ensamblarse con un puzzle.

    Maya Zalbidea - 21.07.2014 - 10:14

  9. The Tower of Jezik

    Initiated during the 2014 Erasmus intensive program in Digital Literatures, The Tower of Jezik is a hyperfiction intended for teenagers that primarily questions language and its possible inefficiency. Set in an imaginary world which calls medieval times to mind, the reader follows a young boy chasing his cat over the rooftops of his small village. Through a window, the boy sees an old man brewing something in a cauldron and believes he is in fact a wizard about to cast a spell. The old man sees him spying and the boy falls from the window, hits his head and loses consciousness. When he wakes up, he can no longer understand what people are saying and, convinced that the villagers were indeed cursed by a powerful sorcerer, he sets out to find the mythical Tower of Jezik and bring language back to his people. The prototype for Tower of Jezik was originally developed in HTML to be read in web browsers. However, it is currently being remediated in ePub 3 by Émilie Barbier, as part of the Textualités Augmentées workshop at Paris 8 University.

    Maya Zalbidea - 27.07.2014 - 20:48

  10. Je veux

    "Je veux" est une sorte de collection de poème écrits en 1997/1998 et accessible sur le site internet de l'auteure qui s'intitule "Being Human" L’accès au texte est direct avec un menu où le lecteur peut choisir entre “Je veux”, “tendresse easy, easy”, “a kiss” et “more”. Dans les trois poèmes le lecteur est interpellé avec l’utilisation de “tu” ou bien “you”. La voix du narrateur ou de la narratrice se fait entendre par l’intermédiaire du “Je”, du “me” et de l’expression de son désir avec “je voudrais” etc.

    Johanna Montlouis-Gabriel - 20.09.2014 - 18:41
