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  1. Radiant Copenhagen

    A collaborative fictional description of a future Copenhagen told in descriptions of places on a satellite map of Copenhagen. The title is a play upon the PR organisation Wonderful Copenhagen. A bus tour of Copenhagen with readings from the work was organised in March 2009.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 01.02.2013 - 13:40


    НЕЙРОАТАКА АНИМА МАГНИТ АЛГОРИТМА АТМА ЭМБРИОХАЙТЕК ПРОТОРОБОТЕК Тайна вселенной зашифрована в звуки и образы, в магическую книгу-мистерию о загадках творения и вселенной. ПРОТОТОРОИД. Электронная каббала корнесловий, саунд дизайна и видеоряда. Ее чтение/слушание/созерцание требует восприятия ряда уровней звуков, смыслов и образов. Тайны взаимоотношений между вещами в природе, между планетами в небесных сферах, между людьми и демонами внутри и снаружи них сложены в ритмы внелинейного изначалья заузорья, которые необходимо дешифровать. Оптика ПРОТОТОРОИДА с помощью малой вселенной себя позволяет рассматривать большую вселенную галактики. ЗА СПЕКТРАМИ ИЗ КРАСНЫХ ОБЛАКОВ ВСЯ ГОРЕЧЬ ПРЕВРАТИЛАСЬ В СЛАДОСТЬ Всякое искусство стремится быть музыкой, всякая мысль стремиться стать энергией. Древний символ - змея, которая кусает себя за хвост – представляет собой замкнутый круг, но при этом, незаконченный: съедая себя, она поддерживает статичную систему мироздания. МЫ ЕЛИ МИР ДРУГ ДРУГА РАДУГ Тор, - трехмерная фигура, вытянутая полусфера, геометрический аналог змеи, кусающей себя за хвост, - суть фундаментальная форма бытования энергии.

    Natalia Fedorova - 07.02.2013 - 18:15

  3. Ann Coulter : Human Document

    This series of visual poems use an artistic writerly method developed by Tom Philips for his famous artist book, A Humument. Philips extracted a poetic narrative about a character named Toge— who showed up when the words “together” or “altogether” were present on a page of W. H. Mallock’s Victorian novel A Human Document. Poundstone uses this method to poetically and artistically deconstruct Ann Coulter’s writing, exposing some of the ideological content hidden in her inflammatory prose. The parallels between Mallock’s Victorian sensibilities and Coulter’s conservative insensibility are apparent when juxtaposed with this mash-up, suggesting that she is “a crazy self referential Victorian.” (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 08.02.2013 - 19:41

  4. The Longest Poem in the World

    This ambitiously titled conceptual poem is generated from Twitter feeds, selected to produce an endless stream of rhyming couplets. As of this posting, the program (developed with MooTools) has generated 1,353,298 verses and continues to generate about 4000 verses each day. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 19:53

  5. Re-start


    Dan Kvilhaug - 03.03.2013 - 15:15

  6. Meaning


    Dan Kvilhaug - 03.03.2013 - 15:18

  7. Cthalloween

    This Twitter based netprov was organized, launched, and led by a transmedia storytelling guru, responsible for numerous similar events in entertainment media. It arises out of a pun, and a fascination with H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulu stories, famous for their mythos, iconography, and verbal style. This alternate reality game is fascinating to reconstruct 3 years after the event because of the challenge in capturing such a distributed event it was documented in a variety of Web services and pages that are no longer available, except through services like the Internet Archives.

    Leonardo Flores - 11.03.2013 - 20:36

  8. Debasheesh Parveen and Ariadna Alfil

    These two “Facebots” (Facebook bots) were created in the last days of 2009 and quickly began to make friends, post images, and make cryptic status updates, commenting on each other’s updates. They started a relationship on January 13, 2010 and got married (that is, changed their relationship status to “married” on Facebook) on March 21, 2010. Ever since they have both been making status updates automatically every hour, (Ariadna every 2 hours) using the algorithm described below:

    Debasheesh Parveen is one of the 99 Sacred Names of the Internet. It is also an algorithm:

    1. Debasheesh Parveen takes a random news headline from the Al Jazeera feed.
    2. The headline is distorted using a text-manipulation algorithm.
    3. One of the words of the headline is chosen to search for an image on the Internet.
    4. The headline and the image are posted to Debasheesh Parveen’s Facebook profile.

    This happens automatically, at regular intervals.

    Quoted from I ♥ E-Poetry entry and Tisselli's description.

    Leonardo Flores - 12.03.2013 - 18:14

  9. georgelazenby

    This Twitter account is part of an artistic and literary performance in social media.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 08.04.2013 - 14:47

  10. Landscape Projects

    Landscape Projects

    Tine Hjelmervik - 09.04.2013 - 17:26
