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  1. Redeeming the Gene, Molding the Golem, Folding the Protein

    A mythic parody that challenges current genetic engineering techniques. After being considered a source of female evil for thousands of years, Lilith and Eve reinvent themselves by creating an ethical gene according to ancient Hebraic Kabbalah ritual. With this new gene they mold a golem, an artificial anthropoid. The kabbalah gene displaces the artist's gene that Eduardo Kac invented in his artwork, "Genesis."

    (Source: 2002 State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.01.2013 - 22:03

  2. Roland HT

    Roland HT, in its second year of development, is a critical exposition and literary experiment which has as its focal point the protagonist of the 11th-century Song of Roland and of many other works in European literary canons. The project uses hypertext theory and fragmentary writing to combine Roland storylines from different literary traditions into a single multi-pathed narrative. A new, composite character is thus created.

    (Source: 2002 State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.01.2013 - 22:17

  3. Semiotic Poetry

    Semiotic Poetry: "cellular selfportrait", "study of letters with cloud", "vocals", "little dream of the letter a."

    These poems are "dynamic or semiotic" Poetry: they work with letters/signs and their behaviors, using passages of the signification from a field (graphic field) to another (semantic /communicational) field for the letters; my interest is in exploring the dynamic behavior of these signs.

    (Source: 2002 ELO State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.01.2013 - 22:48

  4. Slamming the Sonnet

    Slamming the Sonnet is a website emerging from the collaborative partnership of Jayne Fenton Keane (poet) and David Keane (artist and programmer). It investigates the construction of virtual bodies by using Slam poetry as a device to explore implications of re-theorizing the role of authors in habitats of poetry that are made of technological flesh rather than processed tree matter.

    This site investigates alternative models of interactivity through engagement with a virtual body made of space, movement, sound and flesh. It becomes terra electra, replete with multiple species of texts, some of which evolve in direct response to the user's actions. It becomes a dismembered cyborg that becomes a part of you as you navigate through it; as your senses are seduced by its voices, breathing and gaze. In other words, it interacts with you beyond the computer screen; it infiltrates your body. It subverts identity and creates a hyperreal competition where everyone is given equal status in its time and space: dead or alive, famous or unknown.

    Scott Rettberg - 17.01.2013 - 23:12

  5. Restless


    Marthin Frugaard - 18.01.2013 - 11:56

  6. Кибер-Пушкин 1.0 бета (Cyber Pushkin 1.0 beta)

    "КИБЕР-ПУШКИН 1.0 БЕТА" Все стихи на этой странице написаны МАШИНОЙ по имени "Кибер-Пушкин". За несколько лет существования у этого кибер-поп-идола сложилась неплохая гастрольная история. В апреле 2006 "Кибер-Пушкин" красовался в Петербургском Эрмитаже, в ноябре 2003 был представлен в Museumsquartier (Вена, Австрия) в рамках фестиваля Roboexotica, в 2002 году выступал в Третьяковской галерее и в московском Музее кино. ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ АВТОРА ПРОЕКТА: В Сети предостаточно программ для генерации стихов на русском языке. Желающие поэкспериментировать могут поискать что-нибудь подходящее сами или скачать пару аналогов с нашего сайта. (Даже три, включая это). Наш стихописательный виртуал получил гордое имя "Кибер-Пушкин 1.0 beta". Я научил его всему что нужно: поэтическому ритму, правилам рифмования, специфике поэтического лексикона, а также "поэтическому взгляду на мир". Забил в базу данных лучшие образцы поэзии Есенина, Мандельштама, Вертинского и Пригова Дмитрия Александровича. Потратил на всё это МАССУ СИЛ И ВРЕМЕНИ. И что в итоге?

    Natalia Fedorova - 27.01.2013 - 02:03

  7. Невидимые города (Invisible Cities)

    "Невидимые города" состоят из 55 главок, в каждой из которых Марко Поло описывает Кублай-Хану некий якобы посещенный им город его империи. (Вопрос о внутрироманной реальности Кублая, Марко, правдивости его рассказов и соотношении повествоательных уровней довольно сложен и подробно мною уже рассматривался отдельно). Эти 55 главок-городов распределены, с одной стороны, по одиннадцати "тематическим группам", названных по какому-то одному преобладающему признаку или свойству описания ("города и память", "города и глаза" и т.д.), а с другой стороны, по девяти главам, по пять описаний в каждом (кроме первой и последней главы, где их по десять). Каждая глава обрамлена интермедиями-диалогами Марко и Кублая. При преобразовании в гипертекст противопоставление "с одной стороны - с другой стороны" получило зримое воплощение: тематическая структура книги отражается в правом фрейме, а поглавная - в левом. Эти фреймы двухуровневые; возврат от низшего уровня (все города одной темы или одной главы) к высшему (перечень всех тем или список всех глав) осуществляется при помощи картинки.

    Natalia Fedorova - 27.01.2013 - 02:56

  8. Discipline

    With this curious little poem, Ana María Uribe uses a simple modification of a row of letter H— extending the arms and legs of the letter H into ascenders and descenders (respectively)— to imbue them with life. The music and German-like orders barked at these letters make them seem like soldiers marching, exercising, and performing a drill all over the window space. There is tension between the individuality of each letter color and the sameness of each letter’s shape and motion, which that breaks down in the image above as the voice barking orders becomes increasingly frantic. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 01.02.2013 - 15:49

  9. <? echo [THE_SIGNIFIER] ?>

    This suite of 20 short pieces, is focused on technologies and codes left behind in the ever accelerating change of computer systems. Thuan describes it as “a requiem without mourning, sorrowing or lamenting since they are always recycled and resurrected, by one way or another, in different signifiers.” And indeed, some of these pieces use codes and HTML functionality already passé and mostly forgotten in 2006, such as pop up windows, link mouseovers to reveal texts through improved color contrast, frames, tables, menu windows, and so on. This isn’t just nostalgia, however, because Thuan is able to shake us up with scans (real or simulated?) of our browser cache or computer’s hard drive to reveal porn, options that may or may not send information about ourselves or our computer system (our digital self) to sources we may not trust, and other procedures that remind us that just because we cannot see the code doesn’t mean it isn’t there, active and readable. He also reminds us of code with texts in a hybrid of natural and computer language reminiscent of Mez Breeze’s mezangelle.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 02.02.2013 - 12:19

  10. Chronicle of Deaths Forgotten

    This piece juxtaposes images of the Statue of Liberty and looped segments of powerful choral music with textual excerpts of small lives lost and forgotten. Their stories are partly hidden by the interface, its size and color contrasts, as different words and the background itself change color over time and as the result of mouseovers. Duc Thuan makes these texts deliberately challenging to read while the Statue of Liberty is foregrounded and shown in great details, perhaps to dare its readers to allow the texts to fade into the background, becoming complicit in the forgetting of these chronicles. After all, who remembers the “poor,” the “huddled masses,” the “homeless” welcomed to the United States by this unforgettable new colossus? (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 02.02.2013 - 12:28
