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  1. - Poesia em Rede

    Partindo da apresentação de exemplos de poesia criada para o meio digital, pretende-se com este artigo propor uma reflexão acerca das novas textualidades emergentes com as tecnologias digitais interactivas. Assim, acreditando que as características da hipermédia constituem um terreno fértil para o experimentalismo literário, critica-se uma postura de mera remediação dos arquétipos analógicos para os meios digitais, argumentando a favor da criatividade colectiva em rede enquanto possibilidade de conhecimento e esclarecimento acerca dos novos media.

    Rui Torres - 02.12.2011 - 14:54

  2. Triálogo: Prelúdio dialogante a AlletSator

    Triálogo: Prelúdio dialogante a AlletSator

    Rui Torres - 02.12.2011 - 15:35

  3. Teaching Poetry With New Media

    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of interactive multimedia and hypertextual tools in literature classes. It argues for the promotion of multimedia programming within the context of creative writing, describing activities related to the conception and development of hypermedia projects in academic contexts. The first part is made up of a discussion of theoretical positions. We will provide an overview of studies about the relationship between literature and digital media. The second part of this paper will show how it is possible to articulate literary concepts such as multi-modality, intertextuality, reader-response and cooperation, with digital tools dealing with algorithms, combinatory techniques, multimedia programming, and networked hypertext. We will provide an account of projects involving the creation and recreation of experimental poetry in digital media, and through the discussion of other examples of the use of new media to teach poetry.

    Rui Torres - 02.12.2011 - 15:39

  4. Preservación y diseminación de la literatura electrónica: por un archivo digital de literatura experimental

    Preservación y diseminación de la literatura electrónica: por un archivo digital de literatura experimental

    Rui Torres - 04.12.2011 - 17:33

  5. Literatura experimental, educació i eines interactives multimèdia

    Literatura experimental, educació i eines interactives multimèdia

    Rui Torres - 04.12.2011 - 17:47

  6. Poesia luso-brasileira contemporânea: do verbo ao pixel

    This article intends to reflect upon the place of poetry in the teaching of literature and the formation of the reader, considering the recurrent metaphors and images in the interfaces of the
    discourse of the hypermedia, among the languages provided by the Technology of Information and Communication (TIC) in contemporary society. It aims to demonstrate the possible experiences of reading and aesthetic appreciation which offers to the user/reader for the exercise of creativity and autonomy in the construction of collective intelligence. In order to do so, it focuses on the production of the Luso-Brazilian literature in hypermedia with emphasis on the remarkable presence of the Portuguese experimental poetry in the construction of digital poetry and the Brazilian cyberliterature in present time.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Rui Torres - 04.12.2011 - 17:52

  7. Reading and Teaching Gender Issues in Electronic Literature and New Media Art

    This dissertation has as its object of research new feminist hypermedia and it is located in the fields of hypertext theory, gender studies, and semiotics. This work offers close-readings of three recent feminist hypertext fictions written in English language exploring the problematics of gender, sexuality and multiple identities: Dollspace (1997-2001) by Francesca da Rimini, Brandon (1998) by Shu Lea Cheang and Blueberries (2009) by Susan Gibb. The aim of the study is, in the first place, show how feminist hypertext fictions can be analysed: categorising the work, interpreting its nodes and lexias, emphasizing the cultural references it evokes and studying the readers’ reactions to the hypertext. And in the second place, promote the study of electronic literature as a useful tool for literature courses as well as to demonstrate the beneficial aspects of hypertexts to work with gender studies literature.

    Maya Zalbidea - 21.08.2013 - 14:51

  8. Cyberfeminist Theories and the Benefits of Teaching Cyberfeminist Literature

    The aim of this article is to show what feminist electronic literature can contribute to the study of gender theories and feminist literature. The study of feminist hypertext fictions and the use of hypertext as a teaching tool is facilitated by the intrinsic characteristics of the electronic medium, complementing the electronic medium and providing alternative possibilities in the learning process: collaborative authorship, multivocality, textual openness, non-hierarchical and rhizomatic structures, neo-kathartic effects and open publishing. Teaching feminist electronic literature using the hypertext offers the possibility of updating and discussing gender through a medium that permits rearranging the hypertext, better organized analyses of intertextuality and fostering the study through association and connections, which is the way the human brain works. The teaching method proposed pursues the objective of studying narratives about gender taking advantage of the new technologies without losing dialogues in class as intuitive learning process.

    Maya Zalbidea - 22.08.2013 - 13:36

  9. Notas sobre AlletSator: O Retomar da Viagem – Sintetizador Poético, Ciberdrama e Hipermédia

    Nestas breves páginas proponho uma abordagem panorâmica a uma parte do percurso criativo de Pedro Barbosa que faz dele uma figura incontornável no panorama da ciberliteratura em língua portuguesa. Barbosa tem vindo a dedicar, desde há longa data, uma parte importante do seu trabalho, tanto criativo quanto teórico, à intersecção da literatura com as novas tecnologias, como o comprovam os dois volumes da então designada Literatura Cibernética, publicados nos finais da década de 70.


    Alvaro Seica - 02.12.2013 - 15:26

  10. Média Digitais: Novos Terrenos para a Expansão da Textualidade

    A intersecção da literatura com a informática, com especial incidência na poesia animada em computador, que será o objecto em análise neste breve ensaio, acentua a tendência do texto para transpor os limites convencionais, ao intensificar as propostas de interpenetração do verbal com o sonoro e o visual, já presentes em manifestações anteriores, por exemplo, no âmbito da poesia experimental, mas também como lembra José Augusto Mourão (p. 409 e ss), ao entrar efectivamente em movimento e ao prestar-se a modificações, o que implica que as transformações de maior alcance produzidas pela literatura digital no conceito de texto são provocadas pelos textos mais interactivos.

    (Fonte: Introdução do Autor)

    Alvaro Seica - 03.12.2013 - 12:36
