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  1. You Say You Want a Revolution? Hypertext and the Laws of Media

    You Say You Want a Revolution? Hypertext and the Laws of Media

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 07.06.2013 - 11:17

  2. The History of Communications Media

    The History of Communications Media

    Scott Rettberg - 29.06.2013 - 13:37

  3. Close Reading und der Streit um Begriffe

    Was kennzeichnet digitale Literatur? Entsteht sie schon durch die Transformation aus dem einen Medium ins andere? Welche Rolle spielen Medienechtheit und Medienrelevanz? Wieviel Text muss ein hypermediales Werk aufweisen, um zur digitalen Literatur zu gehören und nicht zur digitalen Kunst? Wie verändert sich die Rolle des Autors, wenn Leser, Maschinen oder Bakterien an seine Stelle treten? Der Aufsatz verbindet die Diskussion terminologischer Fragen mit den Fallanalysen einiger interessanter Beispiele.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.07.2013 - 15:55


    In PAIN.TXT, Alan Sondheim and Sandy Baldwin explore the limitations of expression at the borders of human sensation. Derived from a dialog between Sondheim and Baldwin on extreme pain, this essay considers how one signifies intensity and another attempts to interpret that intensity, and the challenges this process poses for affect, imagination, and ultimately intersubjectivity. In keeping with the content of this piece, the two preserve the dialog format, recreating for readers a discourse on pain that never finds its center. (Source: Electronic Book Review)

    Guro Prestegard - 25.08.2016 - 15:44

  5. Architecture as a Narrative Medium

    Christine Bucher, reviewing Beatriz Columnina, considers the narrative and photographic dimensions of interiors designed by Adolf Loos and Le Corbusier.

    (Source: ebr)


    Lisa Berwanger - 12.09.2017 - 14:37

  6. Against Animal Authenticity, Against the Forced March of the Now: a review of Nicole Shukin’s Animal Capital

    In one half of a pair of critical reviews looking at recent titles in animal studies, Karl Steel examines Nicole Shukin’s Animal Capital (Shukin reviews Steel in the other half). In particular, Steel looks at Shukin’s biopolitical framework, and considers how that framework challenges not only our conception of what constitutes the animal, but also–and more to the bone–our conception of the capacity of fields like animal studies.


    Malene Fonnes - 25.09.2017 - 15:36

  7. Media, Genealogy, History

    Matt Kirschenbaum reviews Remediation by Richard Grusin and Jay David Bolter.

    Remediation is an important book. Its co-authors, Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin, seem self-conscious of this from the outset. The book’s subtitle, for example, suggests their intent to contend for the mantle of Marshall McLuhan, who all but invented media studies with Understanding Media (1964), published twenty years prior to the mass-market release of the Apple Macintosh and thirty years prior to the popular advent of the World Wide Web. There has also, I think, been advance anticipation for Remediation among the still relatively small coterie of scholars engaged in serious cultural studies of computing and information technology. Bolter and Grusin both teach in Georgia Tech’s School of Language, Communication, and Culture, the academic department which perhaps more than any other has attempted a wholesale make-over of its institutional identity in order to create an interdisciplinary focal point for the critical study of new media.

    tye042 - 18.10.2017 - 15:11

  8. Printed Privileges

    Carsten Schinko on Niklas Luhmann’s Analogue Loyalty.

    Glenn Solvang - 07.11.2017 - 15:31

  9. The Cybernetic Turn: Literary into Cultural Criticism

    Joseph Tabbi reviews the essay collection Simulacrum America.

    Glenn Solvang - 09.11.2017 - 13:23

  10. Hollywood Nomadology?

    Linda Brigham offers a Deleuzean take on Independence Day.

    Glenn Solvang - 09.11.2017 - 13:59