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  1. The Poetry Cube

    This is a gateway for print poets into the e-poetry world, helping them translate their poetic text into a 3-dimensional, multi-linear an recombining format.

    The cube consists of four sides top, bottom, front, and back. Between each of this esides are four stanzas, or four sets of four lines. The poet writes a 16 line poem and enters it into the form. Thoe lines are then automatically entered into the cube and can be saved into the database. 

    When writing a poem for this cube, the poet must think of how the poem will fit and the recombine in the cube. As you turn the cube, the lines move as well.  For example the 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th lines form the top of the cube, with the shallow meiddle, deep middle and the back lines changing as well.


    Scott Rettberg - 16.10.2012 - 14:00

  2. Time Train

    "Timetrain" by Dorothee Lang is an ethereal experience created in Flash that uses the visuals of a train station in combination with audio and carefully crafted text to take the reader along for a ride. As images and phrases move across the screen and new juxtapositions are created, the reader is presented with opportunities for self-reflection. As the bottom of the picture moves to the right, forward, while the top of the picture moves to the left, backward suggesting spatial as well as temporal movements as trains "arrive" and "depart." The text floats in the middle as the pictures show a 360 degree view of the station.

    (Source: Electronic Literature Directory entry by Joy Jeffers)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.10.2012 - 15:58

  3. Over and Over, Even

    sound micro-installation

    Luciana Gattass - 14.11.2012 - 17:36

  4. Sujeitobjeto (Practices of Meaning)

    Using a transparent oilbar and a window reflecting the sunny sky in Basel, Betty Leirner relates the subjects of language, thought and object, while Florian Kutzli relates photography to film by shooting 2.538 pictures with a Nikon D2 photo camera in order to actualize 'practices of meaning' - a fotofilm. (Source: reelport catalog)

    Luciana Gattass - 22.11.2012 - 14:12

  5. À Temporal

    Sound installation with 37 palindrommic verses printed onto steps of the exhibit space. (Source: Poiesis)

    Luciana Gattass - 23.11.2012 - 16:09

  6. Fórmula do mar

    “Fórmula do mar” parte de dois segmentos de versos da poesia grega arcaica (épica e lírica) que envolvem a expressão formular polyphlóisboio thalásses, sendo a palavra polyphlóisboio referida como representação onomatopaica do mar ruidoso: pará thina polyphlóisboio thalásses e katá kyma poliphlóisboio thalásses. Em ambos, a sucessão de vogais abertas e fechadas, associada à seqüência de consoantes, gera um efeito especialmente melódico, que inclui a sonoridade das palavras anteriores (pará thina, num caso, e katá kyma, no outro). A composição que apresentamos, motivada pela semelhança fônica entre tais segmentos, realiza um entrelaçamento entre eles, usando dois timbres e duas vozes (diferidas por uma oitava), sobrepondo-se as palavras iniciais e a final; exibe ambos os segmentos no idioma de origem e, em seguida, numa recriação (não-literal) em português: em relação ao primeiro adotou-se a forma “junto às ondas polissonantes do oceano”, e, relativamente ao segundo, "fundo às ondas polissonantes do oceano".

    Luciana Gattass - 23.11.2012 - 16:35

  7. Para uma eventual conversa sobre poesia

    paisagem poético-sonora a partir de samples de objetos do cotidiano alterados digitalmente com a colaboração das turmas a e b da disciplina "Design do Som I" FUMEC.

    Luciana Gattass - 23.11.2012 - 17:11

  8. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

    Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

    Scott Rettberg - 08.01.2013 - 21:07

  9. Fugues

    Fugues, à la fois adaptation hypermédiatique de Piano (René Lapierre, Les Herbes rouges, 2001) et réflexion critique sur le texte, est une réalisation du Collectif NT2. Le site Web a été conçu par Julie Lapalme, à partir d’un scénario de Bertrand Gervais.

    (Source: NT2 project site)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 13:55

  10. regen

    Internet Explorer required for proper display.

    Scott Rettberg - 29.01.2013 - 06:15
