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  1. My Own Private Augmented Reality: ulillillia's Mind Game

    This paper looks at Nick Smith's (aka ulilllillia) "Mind Game" as an illustration of how augmented reality systems, while based in digital media, do not necessarily rely on digital software or hardware, but in the influence of digitally-mediated practices on the imagination. !Smith's "Mind Game" constitutes a form of experiential poetry mediated through augmented reality.

    (Source: Author's abstract for ELO_AI)

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 11:33

  2. A Cross-Medial Close Reading of Swedish Digital Poetry

    In the work with my thesis on digital poetry I aim to highlight the following three axes

    1) A theoretical reflection considering language in interaction with the visual and auditory modalities as well as an investigation of the relation between language and technical media, using theorists such as N. Katherine Hayles and Friedrich A. Kittler.

    2) An analytical, methodical approach, which investigates digital works of poetry and their intermedial relations and effects of meaning.

    3) Putting into perspective the historical concrete poetry and avant-garde movements – primarily from Scandinavia.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 13:44

  3. Simians. Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature.

    Simians, Cyborgs and Women is a powerful collection of ten essays written between 1978 and 1989. Although on the surface, simians, cyborgs and women may seem an odd threesome, Haraway describes their profound link as "creatures" which have had a great destabilizing place in Western evolutionary technology and biology. Throughout this book, Haraway analyzes accounts, narratives, and stories of the creation of nature, living organisms, and cyborgs. At once a social reality and a science fiction, the cyborg--a hybrid of organism and machine--represents transgressed boundaries and intense fusions of the nature/culture split. By providing an escape from rigid dualisms, the cyborg exists in a post-gender world, and as such holds immense possibilities for modern feminists. Haraway's recent book, Primate Visions, has been called "outstanding," "original," and "brilliant," by leading scholars in the field. 


    Maya Zalbidea - 22.08.2013 - 20:11

  4. Re:Cycle III

    Re:Cycle III is an extension of my previous generative video art piece Re:Cycle (exhibited at ELO 2012). The current version is part of an ongoing exploration into the combined poetics of image, sequence, motion, computation, and meaning. The Re:Cycle system includes a database of video clips, a second database of video transitions, and a computational engine to select and present the video clips in an unending stream. The computational selection process is driven by a set of metadata tags associated with the content of each video clip. The system can incorporate video clips of any content or visual form. It is currently based on nature scenery: mountains, rivers, ice, snow, waterfalls, trees. (Future versions will incorporate urban and human imagery.) The original version was completely committed to the aesthetic of ambient experience. Like Brian Eno's "ambient music", it was not intended to capture or hold your attention. However, it was required to give visual pleasure whenever you did choose to gaze at it. As the system is evolving, this commitment to ambience is gradually giving way to a more engaged and prolonged experience.

    Sumeya Hassan - 12.03.2015 - 15:11

  5. Unknown Territories

    An interactive series about the exploration, exploitation and transformation of the American West.

    Following works by John Wesley Powell and Edward Abbey, filmmaker Roderick Coover creates actual and virtual explorations into the places they wrote about, the landscapes they imagined and contemporary land use.

    When John Wesley Powell first navigated the Colorado River in 1869, much of the great American desert was marked on U.S. government maps as an "unknown territory" -- unmapped lands known only to native cultures. His works name, narrative and mythologize the West and his encounters within it. Ironically, later, as U.S. Geographer, Powell came to recognized perils of unsustainable development, but his calls to restrict growth to natural watersheds were rejected.

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.03.2016 - 15:18

  6. VAS: An Opera in Flatland

    Up until now, everyone alive on earth was bound to one another through African Eve, our last common ancestor, who 5,000 generations ago passed her genes and language to sons and daughters who did the same as they gradually populated the world. Today, however, Square, Circle and the other inhabitants of Flatland have the opportunity to step outside this lineage. To rearrange the bodies of animals, plants, and even themselves. VAS: An Opera in Flatland is the story of Square’s decision to undergo an operation that will leave him sterile for the good of his wife, Circle, for the good of their daughter, Oval, and for the good of society, including the unborn descendants he will never have. VAS is, in other words, the story of finding one’s identity within the double-helix of language and lineage—and Square’s struggle to see beyond the common pages of ordinary, daily life upon which he is drawn.

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.03.2016 - 15:25

  7. The Book of Nature as Media

    In connection with the workshop “Aesthetic Imaginaries in Text and Image” 28-April, author and professor of English Steve Tomasula (University of Notre Dame) wil give two talks connected to his work. The talks are open to all interested:

    “Ascension, A Novel: A Reading/Presentation of an Image-Text Novel in Progress”

    “Ascension is a story of nature as it was. And is. And might become. It is the story of how our changing conception of nature, and the means we use to depict it, change the “natural.” And ourselves. It is the story of how we continually remake the world in our own image and in turn are remade by it."


    Alvaro Seica - 28.04.2017 - 10:03

  8. Canadian Jeremiad

    Andrew McMurry reviews John Livingstone’s Rogue Primate: An exploration of human domestication.

    During the central Canadian summer many are drawn to what is known as “cottage country,” a region of lakes and rivers, shield-rock and trees that belts the near-north of the Windsor-Toronto-Montreal corridor. On any July week-end the road- and water-ways of this bucolic district are crammed with eager recreants, speeding toward the natural beauty and repose which, as a result, now exists mostly in memory. In the vicinity of a large provincial “wilderness” area, Algonquin Park, I recently passed some leisurely sunsets observing what has become a rather common sight in those parts: a pair of loons, bobbing and diving in a lake made turbulent by the twilight passages of innumerable jet-skis and power boats. Their haunting calls bounced around the bay, competing with the full-throated roar of outboards and, once, the thunder of a float-plane taking off right over their heads.

    tye042 - 05.10.2017 - 14:59

  9. Attractions Around Mount St. Helens

    Joseph McElroy shares field notes and reflections from Mount St. Helens.

    Nearly two decades after the great eruption of May, 1980, a slow, remarkable regrowth of flora as well as a massive human involvement feed back to me old questions about the ecological order and our place in it. “A mountain bounces back,” I read; Mt. St. Helens has struggled “to be born again.” That’s not it, I think, but I am moved by the reappearance of plants and trees and animals and fish at Mt. St. Helens - the symbiotic reaching out of fungus filaments to plants roots deep beneath the volcanic ash, the herd of Roosevelt’s elk returning to feed on grass sprouting from the earth of an apparently unwelcoming ashy, silica-infused but now media-hyped “miraculous mudslide.” This blast equal to 2500 Hiroshimas the environment did, not us. But what is the environment? I search the abstracts of some of the more than 500 vineyard-laboring, exact, and specialized field studies that have provided “an excellent baseline for tracking ecosystem reassembly here.”

    tye042 - 17.10.2017 - 15:37

  10. Attractions Around Mount St. Helens

    Joseph McElroy shares field notes and reflections from Mount St. Helens.

    tye042 - 03.11.2017 - 17:17
