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  1. From Utopianism to Weak Messianism: Electronic Culture’s Spectral Moment

    Stephanie Tripp addresses Spectres of Marx, the text featuring some of Derrida?s most detailed encounters with both historical materialism and information technology.

    (Source: EBR)

    Filip Falk - 27.09.2017 - 20:49

  2. Michael Milken and the Corporate Raid on Education

    Junk bond swami Michael Milken jumped out of prison a few years ago and into for-profit education. Ken Saltman submits Milken’s latest venture to the light of day.

    (Source: EBR)

    Filip Falk - 27.09.2017 - 20:52

  3. Textual Events (3 of 5)

    How to commodify “intellectual property” when the object, a text, is made of other texts, and each reading is a re-writing? The Politics of Information, Part 3, considers the identity of event and machine.

    (Source: EBR)

    Filip Falk - 27.09.2017 - 20:55

  4. The Information University

    Marc Bousquet discusses university labor delivered in “the mode of information.

    (Source: EBR)

    Filip Falk - 13.10.2017 - 18:31

  5. Histories of the Present

    Darren Tofts reviews a popularization by Marie O’Mahony and an auto-critique of cyberculture by Andrew Murphie and John Potts.

    Glenn Solvang - 07.11.2017 - 13:58
