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  1. Unraveling the Tapestry of Califia

    Unraveling the Tapestry of Califia

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.02.2011 - 10:54

  2. Image and Text in Hypermedia Literature: The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot

    A detailed reading of the relations between image, text, and linkage in Strickland's hypermedia ballad.

    Scott Rettberg - 24.02.2011 - 11:39

  3. Flickering Connectivities in Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl: The Importance of Media-Specific Analysis

    Flickering Connectivities in Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl: The Importance of Media-Specific Analysis

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.03.2011 - 20:44

  4. Possiplex: Ted Nelson ’59 and the Literary Machine

    Possiplex: Ted Nelson ’59 and the Literary Machine

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.10.2011 - 17:38

  5. Forming the Text, Performing the Work: Aspects of Media, Navigation, and Linking

    This article proposes a theoretical framework intended to facilitate descriptions and discussions of texts of works in different media. The main theoretical traditions which have inspired this endeavor are, on the one hand, textual criticism (with scholars such as Fredson Bowers, D. C. Greetham, Jerome J. McGann, D. F. McKenzie, Peter L. Shillingsburg, and G. Thomas Tanselle), and, on the other hand, hypertext theory (represented by theorists like Espen Aarseth, Jay David Bolter, Jane Yellowlees Douglas, Michael Joyce, George P. Landow, and Janet H. Murray). The study aims to combine and develop the perspectives of such theoretical traditions in order to suggest a more consistent and extensive set of concepts for the analysis of how narratives are stored and disseminated. The study examines the structural aspects of texts and works, and deals with storage, presentation and reproduction of works. Moreover, the structure of works and texts, as well as the navigation related to these structures, are discussed. The study also includes an in-depth discussion on links and linking, and a new terminology is suggested for the subject.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 29.11.2011 - 15:18

  6. Machine Enhanced (Re)minding: the Development of Storyspace

    This article traces the history of Storyspace, the world’s first program for creating, editing and reading hypertext fiction. Storyspace is crucial to the history of hypertext as well as the history of interactive fiction. It argues that Storyspace was built around a topographic metaphor and that it attempts to model human associative memory. The article is based on interviews with key hypertext pioneers as well as documents created at the time.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.11.2012 - 09:43

  7. HyperRhetoriods: An Undergraduate Course in Hyperfiction

    This brief hypertext is a narrative about the design, assignments, and results of that course. The largest section contains my commentary about Student Responses to the course with references to student Online Learning Records and their course evaluations (more complete samples are also included). Though no formal arguments are made, it is implicit in the narrative that:

    Hypertext provides a valuable tool for teaching writing and reading
    Collaboration and student independence (owning their own learning) are vital aspects of the learning milieu
    Theories of distributed cognition, situated learning, and learning as an ecology provide important pedagogical models
    One need not focus on "teaching the technology" in order to teach in a c-a classroom.
    The Online Learning Record is an especially significant tool for the development of both student and teacher.

    Cheryl Ball - 21.08.2013 - 11:48

  8. Exploiting Hypertext’s Potential for Teaching Gender Studies

    The aim of this article is to show what feminist electronic literature can contribute to the study of gender theories and feminist literature. The study of feminist hypertext fictions and the use of hypertext as a teaching tool are facilitated by the intrinsic characteristics of the electronic medium, complementing the electronic medium and providing alternative possibilities in the learning process: collaborative authorship, multivocality, textual openness, non-hierarchical and rhizomatic structures, neo-kathartic effects and open publishing. Teaching feminist electronic literature using the hypertext offers the possibility of updating and discussing gender through a medium that permits rearranging the hypertext, better organized analyses of intertextuality and fostering the study through association and connections, which is the way the human brain works. The teaching method proposed pursues the objective of studying narratives about gender taking advantage of the new technologies without losing dialogues in class as intuitive learning process.

    Maya Zalbidea - 22.08.2013 - 19:32

  9. Elogio del texto digital. Claves para interpretar el cambio de paradigma

    Las mismas personas que, en el pasado sentimos un cierto rechazo hacia la idea de leer en una
    pantalla y alejarnos del romanticismo del libro, hemos terminado sucumbiendo en la tentación
    de comprarnos un libro electrónico. En la actualidad, estamos presenciando un momento decisivo
    en que la memoria documental de la humanidad está siendo transferida del papel a un
    nuevo formato constituido por las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: el
    formato digital. Como lo defne Javier Celaya en el prólogo, Elogio del texto digital (2012) de
    José Manuel Lucía Megías, pretende ser un “quitamiedos” para todos aquellos que ven el texto
    en formato digital como una amenaza contra el libro impreso.
    Megías refexiona acerca del famoso debate, recurrente en conferencias y mesas redondas,
    sobre si el libro electrónico sustituirá por completo al impreso y si habrá consecuencias catas -
    trófcas en los derechos de autor y la distribución y publicación de los libros. Es común
    encontrar intelectuales que desprecian el acto de la lectura en una pantalla o que piensan que la

    Maya Zalbidea - 23.01.2014 - 12:27

  10. Re-construyendo la novela para un nuevo milenio. Postestructuralismo, discurso, lectura, autoría e hipertextualidad ante los nuevos caminos de la novela

    El postestructuralismo como conjunto de ideas teóricas de pensamiento ha forjado algunas creaciones novelísticas a lo largo de los últimos cuarenta años de tal forma que la novela en su conjunto, si bien paso a paso, está modificando su anterior estructura lineal, aunque el cambio no se haya generalizado aún, salvo en la literatura hipertextual propiamente dicha, gracias a la difusión y experimentación de las nuevas tecnologías. Me gustaría repasar la importancia que algunos de los principios del postestructuralismo han tenido sobre la estructura de tres novelas diferentes de autores, países, literaturas y décadas distintas, como ejemplos clave de una evolución.

    Maya Zalbidea - 03.08.2014 - 13:55
