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  1. Datafeeds

    Datafeeds is a short (21 node) exploration of a single incident in three universes (hearing, sight, and feeling). You can follow the story by clicking on the braid, the page numbers, or the connecting thoughts.


    Artist's statement:

    Hypertext/new media writing/electronic literature is first and foremost an exploration into possibilities. What if links can hold meaning—from emphasizing the "anchor" word or image (the place to click on the link) to coloring the destination? (Of course, many systems held out for multiple types of links—where we see a difference in causal, direct, conditional, etc links—and what would happen if artists and writers got their hands on those kinds of links?) What would happen if text could move—even to surround the reader’s body? (Caves and other holographic technologies make this possible.) What would happen if text and sound and images were inextricably bound together in an orgy of meaning? 

    Scott Rettberg - 08.01.2013 - 11:04

  2. Pyxis Byzantium

    Pyxis Byzantium is a hypermedia narrative investigation into the fall of Byzantium in 1453.  Surrounded by enemy forces for decades, the final invasion of the city was widely anticipated by some of the populace, denied by others, and a focus of wonder and prayer.  This piece imagines several different residents of the city, their fears and hopes, and their beliefs about the sources of destiny.  The navigation includes maps of the city, sacred holidays, and the chronology of the destruction.  Because of its extensive use of Flash, it is not currently playable in original form.

    Artist's Statement:

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 16:24

  3. The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen

    Exploring connections between surveillance and interference in the lives of artists, "The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen" is a hyperlibretto where the experience of a wedding celebration is created with words, graphic icons, and glockenspiel intermezzi. 

    Artist Statement

    "The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen" is informed by a strategy of following signs and signifiers that point to ancient systems of control of people's lives. It is a device used by Dan Brown in Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code, although actually it was through the performance artist's strategy of looking at hypertextual connections in my own eventful life that "Celebration" took on this aspect. 

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 16:29

  4. The Way North

    "The Way North" is a Digital Literary Art project that works its way through history, myths and motifs with regards to Inuit folkways and the disasters of global climate change.

    Artist Statement
    Edited from an interview with Edward Pirot on "The Way North" . . .

    The challenge of this project, as with several others, was to take an important, if not crucial, subject (in this case, the warming of the Arctic and the destruction of a way of life as symbolic of what's happening, and will happen, globally) and make a piece of Digital Literary Art that would be informative while advancing the medium's aesthetic possibilities

    I always do research for a several months before beginning to write and design a project, so that by the time I began I already had a fairly large notebook from which to draw. But the research continued throughout the one and a half years, and, as usual, lead me in unexpected directions.

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 20:34
