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  1. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (Performance Work)

    Piringer's work is made for live performance, integrating a vocal performance by the author which controls and interfaces with the movement of letters on the screen, patterned by programmed agents.

    The author's description from his site is "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz is an audiovisual voice performance. image and sound are created in real-time through custom written software that analyzes and captures the sound of my voice to create animated abstract visual text/sound-compositions. the autonomous movement and behaviour of visual element on the screen again influence the sound which creates an audiovisual feedback loop or an autopoetic live performance system.

    using my voice as the interface and medium in a dynamic electronic environment takes the ideas of the early avantgarde sound and visual poets a step further: my custom written software makes it possible to generate unforeseen and vanishing abstract text/sound-compositions that are created on the spot while performing and are not meant to last.

    Scott Rettberg - 21.01.2011 - 11:42

  2. On Lionel Kearns

    A binary meditation on the work of a pioneering Canadian poet contemplating digital poetics from the early sixties to the present. All texts are from the work of Lionel Kearns except where noted.

    (Source: Author's abstract at Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1)

    Scott Rettberg - 07.03.2011 - 23:07

  3. JABBER: The Jabberwocky Engine

    JABBER produces nonsense words that sound like English words, in the way that the portmanteau words from Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky sound like English words.

    When a letter comes into contact with another letter or group of letters, a calculation occurs to determine whether they bond according to the likelihood that they would appear contiguously in the English lexicon. Clusters of letters accumulate to form words, which results in a dynamic nonsense word sound poem floating around on the screen with each iteration of the generator.

    JABBER realises a linguistic chemistry with letters as atoms and words as molecules.

    (Source: Author's description at Poems That Go)

    Scott Rettberg - 18.10.2012 - 10:58