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  1. I Forced a Bot to Read over 1,000 Papers from Open Access Journals and Then Asked It to Write a Paper of Its Own. Here Is the Result. Or, a Quasi-Materialist Approach to Bot-Mimicry

    The article develops an approach for close reading of auto-generative writing agents (i.e. bots). It introduces the concept of bot-mimicry (a practice of writing in a bot-esque style), and argues that bot-mimicry inherently entails that reader and writer alike imagine a conceptual (fictional) bot which could have written the text. As such, it investigates the concept as a fruitful way of engaging with cultural, aesthetic and political conceptions and imaginaries surrounding bots. Furthermore, and through an example reading of the “Olive Garden tweet”, the paper develops, introduces and applies a quasi-materialist approach, where seemingly immaterial elements such as implicit conceptual bots are considered through a framework inspired by materialist media theory from the fields of software studies, media archaeology, and electronic

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 10:06

  2. Data-Realism: Reading and Writing Datafied Text

    Pold and Erslev explore third-wave electronic literature -- a practice situated in ¨social media networks, apps, mobile and touchscreen devices, and Web API services” (Flores). At the next conceptual level, however, literary practices of this kind unavoidably take part in representing and reconstructing the metainterface - a space of data collection, standardization, commodification and redistribution that, for better or worse, is our context for a contemporary data realism.

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 10:32

  3. Exhibiting, Disseminating, Teaching: Digital Literature in Danish Public Libraries

    Danish public libraries have since 2010 exhibited, disseminated, and taught digital literature. This paper lays out the general trajectory of their work, and introduces the notion of a post-digital literacy: a theoretical lens through which to conceptualize and articulate the importance of teaching digital literature in K-12.

    In fruitful dialogue with a variety of other parties and institutions, including Aarhus University and the ELO, a handful of public libraries have developed considerable and impressive expertise, grounded in practice-based experimentation. Their efforts, which have taken place in the course of six projects, are the case into which this paper inquires. The case represents an astute continuity in terms of exhibiting and communicating digital literature to the general public, yet the decade of work has hitherto not been presented or analyzed collectively. In doing so, this paper not only collects the efforts made by multiple librarians in multiple libraries and documented in a variety of places and formats, it also considers the general trajectory of the work carried out as an ample case for charting areas for future work.

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 10:38

  4. Contemporary Posterity: A Helpful Oxymoron

    In his essay, Malthe Stavning Erslev approaches the notion of post-digital from the perspective of a broader cultural phenomenon of posterioriy, emphasizing the fact that the prefix post- still allows for discussion of multidirectional and complex changes that our world is currently undergoing. In order to better grasp all the complexities and interrogate somewhat linear periodization implied by the prefix, Erslev employs the oxymoronic concept of contemporary posterity. At the same time, he ties his theoretical proposition with the extensive analysis of an online community engaging in bot-mimicry.

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 10:51

  5. Aarhus Urban Operating System (AaUOS)

    Aarhus Urban Operating System is situated as a parasitic ‘flipside’ of the ELO 2021 conference website, where you’ll find a chatroom populated by e-literary bots that are trained to be connoisseurs of certain aspects of the city of Aarhus. The bots of Aarhus Urban Operating System are based on equal parts handcrafted conversation trees and recurrent neural networks. Each bot is a character in a metropolitan drama, from the head of the tourist department to the local bog body, the Grauballe Man (who you’ll get to know by interacting with the work).

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 14:02

  6. Literature in Digital Transformation

    Tilbud til udskoling, stx, htx, hhx, hvor vi arbejder med kulturdrevet digital dannelse ved hjælp af digital litteratur (skønlitterære multimodale tekster).

    Biblioteket tilbyder et sjovt forløb af 1½ times varighed med introduktion til genren og praktiske øvelser med interaktiv litteratur, hvor eleverne laver et eget produkt. Online tilbydes materiale og forslag til øvelser, som læreren kan arbejde videre i klassen. Materialet består af en genredefinition, analysemodel, artikler om digital litteratur, links og beskrivelser af udvalgte værker opdelt efter tema.Tilbuddet er relevant for dansk, engelsk, samfundsfag og mediefag.

    Litteratur i digital transformation er et formidlingsforløb med digital læsning og multimodale tekster. Litteraturen er stedet, hvor det nye og uhåndterlige igennem tiden er blevet adresseret. Læsere har kigget til litteraturen for at forstå samfundets bevægelser og deres egen rolle i den. Vil man forstå en verden i digital forandring er det en god ide at kigge til de nye genrer inden for interaktiv og digital litteratur. Her blandes nye medieformer. Teknologiens muligheder og problemer sættes i spil.

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 14:17

  7. Poems About Things

    Poems About Things is a project that generates poetry from everyday objects around us. It consists of a mobile website that constructs quirky sentences about the objects it sees through the users camera feed.

    As the user's camera focuses on an object, a built in machine learning model gives its best guess as to what object it is seeing. Based on this estimate a short query is sent to Google Suggest API, which in return sends back a list of sentences inspired by the detected object. The poem appears on the screen overlaying the image of the object. It consists of a handful of sentences expressing thoughts, questions or comments related to the immediate object as well as the bigger world outside it.

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 14:22

  8. A stack of simple handmade booklets (also entitled ☯) made available for free to festival attendees on a pedestal. The booklets present thirty-four Unicode glyphs, two per page spread, representing empty/full oppositions. After these is a “cast of characters” with the official names of the glyphs (in English).

    Nick Montfort - 14.11.2021 - 20:14

  9. Arf Magna

    “Arf Magna” sings the praises of the canine, not the divine, elaborating on the virtues of man’s best friend. The piece is based on the system of Ramón Llull’s Ars Magna, published in 1305 and including a paper wheel, or volvelle, to allow readers to produce different propositions about God by combining sixteen dignities. “Arf Magna” is also a simple, interactive, verbal machine, with Llull’s volvelle unrolled onto an implicit grid on the computer’s screen. As the user moves the mouse horizontally and vertically to produce propositions, colors shift and notes sound. The entire artwork is contained in a single page of HTML and is free/libre/open-source software, offered under a permissive license.

    Nick Montfort - 15.11.2021 - 00:34

  10. Artificial Emotions

    Partiendo de un data-set compuesto por obras maestras de la pintura occidental, se utilizó el API Emotions (un desarrollo de Microsoft) para analizar los rostros que aparecen en dichas pinturas. Lo que puede verse aquí es el resultado del accionar de dicho algoritmo, puntuando, en cada rostro reconocido, las distintas categorías que según el API componen las emociones -enfado, desprecio, desagrado, miedo, felicidad, neutralidad, tristeza y sorpresa-.

    Laura Sánchez Gómez - 30.11.2021 - 14:06
